What Happened To The Beauty Of Michaela Romanini?

Michaela Romanini

Many celebrities are undergoing plastic surgeries to look attractive. But for some celebrities, such plastic surgeries created an issue. One such person is Michaela.

Plastic Surgery involves various procedures to restructure your body. So, before undergoing surgery, one has to review the possible risks in it. One should not go with doing plastic surgery blindly. Sometimes, you may face serious consequences. Thus, understand the risk behind plastic surgeries and go with it. 

An Italian socialite, Michaela is one such example of doing plastic surgery blindly. She is now facing the worst effects of such surgery. 

Read through the article to know more about Michaela Romanini. Also, let us discuss how she lost her original look.

Who Is Michaela Romanini?

Michaela was born on 1st January 1971. She was raised in Italy. At the age of 20, she started her career in modeling. Her modeling work is admirable and thus she is popular as a model. She even became the international beauty icon too. 

She is basically from a rich family. Thus, she pursued her job in modeling without the help of an agency. So, Michaela is a popular Italian Socialite and Jet setter.

Plastic Surgery Ruining The Face Of Michaela:

At a young age itself, Michaela began her experiments with plastic surgery. At present, she ended up with a freakish look. Some of the personalities who ended up with poor appearance after plastic surgery are

  • Hilton
  • Joan Rivers
  • Jocelyn 
  • Micheal Jackson
  • Mickey Rourke

Former Beauty Queen – Michaela:

If you have a look at the before-surgery face of Michaela, you will doubt it. She was looking beautiful with an attractive body figure. This was the reason to serve as a beauty icon at that time.

Though she was looking good in her early days, she wanted to add beauty to her appearance. Thus, she ended up with plastic surgery on plump lips. To get good lips, she used lip Botox and collagen injections. Collagen injections are not good, as they have more drugs. She wanted to get a perfect face with perfect lips. But she couldn’t fulfill her dream, because such injections messed up her look. 

Michaela’s Never-Ending Obsession With Lip Botox Injections:

She was not happy after doing a single plastic surgery. Thus, she frequently took lips Botox injections on her lips. But as a result, her lips are swollen to the most and she looks like a devil now. Nowadays, she is not even coming out, as she needs to stay away from the media. So, she can’t get back her look of plastic surgeries.


Michaela serves as the best example for others, who are interested in plastic surgeries. So, understand the risks beyond plastic surgeries and then, decide the right option.

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