Best Ways To Confirm If Your Computer Is Affected By Virus

Your Computer Is Affected By Virus

A virus is a type of malicious software, also known as malware, that can destroy files, steal information, and damage your computer. The computer viruses come in all shapes and sizes but the one thing they have in common is that they are deleterious to your computer’s health. Here are some of the ways through which you can spot the signs of a typical virus infection:

  1. Time period: If you notice that your computer is taking more than usual time to start, a virus may be slowing down the startup process. Even after correct login information, you cannot log in to Windows, a virus may have taken control over your system.
  2. Check your hard drive activity: If your hard drive light is constantly turning on and off, or you can hear the hard drive working even if you aren’t running any programs, you may have got a virus working in the background.
  3. Look for popups: If you start seeing messages on your screen, even if no other programs are running, you may have a virus infection. The messages may include advertisements, error messages, and more. It can also change your wallpaper without permission.
  4. Email is hijacked: You have a virus infection if your friends are receiving instant messages from your social networks asking them to click on a link or attachment. It’s likely that a virus is trying to spread to other computers via your system.
  5. Check your web browser: Your web browser becoming sluggish, or doesn’t allow you to close tabs. Your home page changing or being redirected to unusual websites are good signs that your browser has been hijacked by a virus or malware.
  6. Security attacks: Some viruses are specially designed to disable your computer’s protection. Hence, if you can’t open or install an anti-virus program on your firewall, your system may be infected.
  7. Missing files: Malware often delete your files and folder, and changes are made without your knowledge. Some viruses also encrypt your files so you are not able to open them.

Do you spot any of these symptoms?

If you do, then quickly install and run anti-virus software to remove malware. Keep the software up-to-date to protect against the most recent threats. Make sure your computer firewall is turned on to block malware attacks via the Internet.