Convert 401k To Physical Gold: How To Do It Successfully

Physical Gold

Gold has always been a pretty valuable asset and that’s not about to change any time soon. People are well aware of its value, which is why they often think about how to invest in it the right way. I am sure that you have thought about the same thing and that you’ve done some research about it. During the research, you must have come across the option of investing in your retirement with a gold IRA account, an option explained here.

When you first came across the gold IRA option, you have probably become rather excited about it and ready to do it. That is, until you have realized that you already have a 401k and that you’re not sure whether opening up another retirement account is a smart move, or if it is even possible. I undoubtedly get the confusion, but I also have a perfect solution to suggest.

Basically, what you should think about doing is converting your 401k to this type of IRA in which you can hold gold, as well as certain other precious metals. If you haven’t heard about this option before, then you might want to do some reading and get properly informed, as it is not a new thing. People have been doing this for quite some time now and it might turn out to be the perfect solution for you as well.

It is, however, safe to say that you’ve heard about this option already, because you probably wouldn’t have found your way to this article otherwise. So, you are not confused about the possibility of doing this. You are, instead, simply confused about the actual process of doing it, and I am going to help you out with that right now.

To put things as simply as possible, I am going to teach you how to convert your 401k to physical gold by helping you learn about the steps that you’ll need to take towards it. Once you get familiar with those steps, you’ll get a clear idea on what it is you need to do in order to invest in this precious metal. So, without further ado, let us get started.

Choose Your Custodian

The first thing you’ll have to do is choose a custodian that will lead you throughout this whole procedure. Custodians are companies appointed by the IRS that have the permission to hold the physical gold on behalf of their clients. You simply cannot do anything without these companies, since you’re not permitted to hold the precious metals on your own.

In addition to that, these custodians will help you go through the whole setting up and rollover process. The only thing is, you will need to find a highly experienced and trustworthy custodian. In order to do that, you will need to do quite a lot of research before making the final choice. The best thing would be for you to find a few reviews about those custodians, as they can certainly help you find out everything you need to know.

Set Up Your IRA

Your next step consists of setting up the proper account. In short, you need a self-directed IRA (SDIRA), so make sure not to set up a different one. Unlike some other types, SDIRA allows you to add precious metals to your retirement portfolio. Go here to learn more about this specific account, so that you can clearly understand what it is and how it works.

Do A Rollover

Since you already have a 401k, you will need to do something that’s called a rollover. Basically, this is the process of funding your IRA by transferring funds from your existing 401k account. The custodian you’ll choose in the first step will help you do this the right way. It might take some time, but it will certainly be worth it.


If you’re expecting more steps, you’re expecting wrong. The above is just about everything you need to do in order to make this conversion and start buying precious metals. Of course, I’d advise you to hear your custodians out whenever you get tempted by certain investments, because they can give you some great tips on what to buy and when to buy it.

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