5 Vertical Radiator Features That Sets Them Apart

Vertical Radiators

Vertical radiators are modern heating appliances that can bring a number of benefits to your home. As well as their superb functionality, the very best vertical radiators, such as vertical radiators by Stelrad, bring huge aesthetic enhancements to your home. As they have grown in popularity, more and more homes have chosen to install vertical radiators within them. Vertical radiators are much different to other types of radiator. Here, we look at 5 features of vertical radiators that truly sets them apart from other models of radiator. 

They Take up Less Space on Your Wall

Unlike horizontal radiators, vertical radiators are tall and thin, meaning they take up less wall space. This is incredibly useful as it allows you to use the extra space on your wall for other pieces of furniture, or even allows you to install a vertical radiator within an area that a horizontal radiator would not be able to fit. Vertical radiators are much more useful in some rooms than they are in others. 

Perfect for Kitchens

As kitchens are often difficult areas to heat up within your home, a vertical radiator can be the perfect solution. As a kitchen is already so busy with your other utilities and white goods such as ovens, fridges and cupboards, a vertical radiator can be the perfect accompaniment in the resolution of your heating requirements. 

Great for Bathrooms

In the same way that vertical radiators make for perfect heating appliances within your kitchen, this is equally true for your bathroom. No matter the size of your bathroom, or how little space is available on your wall, a vertical, slim bodied radiator can fit in perfectly in order to heat your bathroom optimally. In addition, bathroom vertical radiators are also great when used as towel rail radiators. Vertical radiators with towel rail features can be sued in a multipurpose manner, warming you up while drying your towels simultaneously. 

Dividing Rooms

Vertical radiators also make for great room dividers! What we mean here, is that they can easily help to divide up sections of your room in an aesthetic yet functional manner. As well as it’s eye catching heigh having great appeal, vertical radiators are also exceptional in their ability to be efficient with heat, allowing for a radiator design that holds your room together while heating it proficiently.  

More Room for Furniture

 As your vertical radiator is tall in height yet slim bodied, you will have much more room for your other pieces of furniture in your room. Many horizontal radiators block space where you would like to have a well-designed seating plan. As they are a lot slimmer, you will find that you can enjoy making interior design decisions, without having to compromise due to a radiator obstructing your path. Additionally, as they are slim bodied, you won’t have to worry about your furniture absorbing the heat. The shape of vertical radiators allows them to connect heat throughout your room the way you would like.