Garden Furniture: Is It Better To Buy or DIY?

Garden Furniture

The garden and backyard of a private house don’t exist only to have a vegetable plot and constantly tinker with the beds. These places should correspond to comfortable rest and energy recovery. But here you can’t get by a beautiful landscape design only, it’s essential to choose good furniture.

Today we will try to figure out which furniture is best suited for the garden, as well as whether it’s possible to make it yourself and save the budget.

What furniture material to choose?

There are some nuances in the choice of garden furniture, and all due to the fact that it is constantly or often outside the premises. Outdoor furniture stands under sun, rain, snow and is affected by birds, animals and insects. So it is crucial to pick materials that are suitable for open-air conditions.

  • Metal 

Metal garden furniture is perhaps the most durable product that doesn’t require special care, except for anti-corrosion coating. Among the disadvantages are the high price and thermal conductivity of the metal, so on hot days, you cannot do without seat cushions. Also, such furniture doesn’t suit every design: it is perfect for romantic French gardens and English style and is not very suitable for typical cozy modern, high-tech, or country gardens.

  • Plastic 

Plastic furniture today is ultra popular because of the variety of shapes, styles, colors, as well as its lightness and undemanding maintenance. Just wash it with water and the furniture is like new. At the same time, plastic furniture is quite cheap.

Among the disadvantages – the ability to scratch and low resistance to sunlight – often the plastic just fades.

  • Wicker 

Wicker furniture looks especially romantic and cozy. Initially, it was made only from natural materials, for example, bamboo, vines, or rattan, but later an alternative appeared – artificial fibers, due to which it was possible to reduce the price and increase strength without changing the appearance.

Outdoor furniture made of artificial rattan is an excellent choice, as it is lightweight, stylish, moisture and sun resistant. If a heavy downpour suddenly begins, you don’t need to hide the furniture under the roof – after the rain, it will dry up and will be like new.

  • Wood

Wooden furniture will suit almost any garden – it is such a versatile material that you can make both classic furniture. as well as fantasy or minimalistic. The price also ranges from very cheap models to expensive mahogany chairs and tables. This is confirmed by a garden furniture UAE store.

Wooden furniture is environmentally friendly and almost always looks beautiful. Nevertheless, in order for it to remain durable, it regularly needs to be treated with substances from the negative effects of nature.

  • Stone

Furniture made of stone and concrete is not afraid of anything. But unfortunately, it has not earned great popularity in the market. Firstly, these are heavy pieces of furniture that cannot be moved easily. Secondly, such furniture is difficult to integrate into a garden of a certain design. In short, it is not universal. Laconic gray concrete furniture looks best in high-tech gardens.

DIY garden furniture

What is DIY furniture usually made of? Of course a tree. Usual sticks, boards, pallets come in handy. Moreover, self-made furniture includes materials such as tires and cinder blocks -– materials that are not very resistant to weather conditions and aging.

Undoubtedly, hand-made furniture is a reason for pride and a well-established budget. But garden furniture is about more than money. These are pleasant emotions from family gatherings in the open air.

Therefore, furniture must be of high quality and durable.

From the article, we can see that the most durable materials for garden furniture are plastic and artificial rattan. Chairs, sofas, and tables from them are quite cheap. So think twice, is it worth your time and nerves to make DIY furniture? It seems to us that there are more expensive and stylish alternatives.

Wrapping up

Now you know which furniture is best for your garden. The only thing left to do is to choose it according to your taste and the style in which your garden is decorated. Good luck!