Investing in Noosa Apartment Rentals: Important Things You Need to Know

Noosa apartment rentals
The regional and inland housing market continues to grow in Australia amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as more and more people move to coastal regions, such as Noosa and Byron. As a result, Noosa apartment rentals are also expected to rise in demand. While living in a big city is convenient, many people still choose to stay in coastal and rural regions for various reasons. That is why buying an apartment rental in Noosa or any other coastal town on the Sunshine Coast is a wise investment decision to make.

Important Considerations When Investing in Noosa Apartment Rentals

Searching for Noosa apartment rentals can be exciting especially if you know where to start. Take a look at these pointers.

Your Credit History

Lenders will look at your credit history before allowing you to apply for a loan that you can use to buy Noosa real estate rentals. However, not all of them require a good credit score. Others would still help borrowers with low scores. To ensure a seamless loan application process, have your credit report ready beforehand. Generally speaking, 500 to 700 is considered a good credit score that lets you easily apply for a loan for real estate investment. Anything lower than that may cause certain lenders to hesitate lending money to you. So, have your score fixed like improving your payment habits or fixing your accounts. However, if you are really in a rut, you can explain your situation to your lender.

The Community

Visiting the area, first, is a smart move before making a decision to buy an apartment for rent. The location plays a very important role to ensure that your guests will be happy and safe throughout their stay. A physical tour may not be advisable these days, but you can ask to have a virtual tour. It will give you an idea of the neighbourhood that is waiting for you.

Potential Return on Investment

Don’t just jump into the first Noosa apartment rentals you will find during your search. To make sure your investment gives you impressive returns in the long run, there are things that you should evaluate.

Rental Income

Before signing a contract, make sure that the apartment has been generating good income. The rental income will be the lifeblood of your business, so perform an assessment of the average rent of the area. Also, make sure that the property generates enough rent to cover your loan payment, property tax, and other costs of managing and maintaining your property.

Future Developments

When investing in rental apartments on the Sunshine Coast, including Noosa Heads rentals, take into account the future developments in the area. If there are other rental properties currently being constructed, it means it is a good growth area. Other properties could also compete with you. On the bright side, you could also see this as an opportunity to expand in the future. You could buy more properties to grow your business.


Ideally, your chosen location should be seeing a lot of tourist activities and near popular attractions. This gives you a high probability to get more bookings, which translate to more revenue.

Key Takeaway

Once you have a shortlist of apartment rentals to invest in, check your budget and see how much you can spare for other costs needed to run your business. And, it does not mean to put your eggs in just one basket. If you have the financial capacity to do so, you can invest in multiple properties. This way, you will have more sources of revenue to build your wealth. For more smart tips on real estate investment and growing your business, feel free to read our other articles!