Why You Need To Break Your Procrastination Habits

Procrastination Habits

The post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Do you find yourself struggling to stay on top of your deadlines? Or maybe you are trying to become a top student easily. There are many reasons you may be trying to break your procrastination habits. 

Procrastination has a way of making life much more difficult than it needs to be. If you are looking for ways to overcome procrastination, it is best to learn about the adverse effects of procrastination first. 

Discover more about procrastination, its effects on your well-being, and how to break your procrastination habits!

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of avoiding necessary tasks in favor of other meaningless tasks. Most of the time procrastinators will put off a chore for many reasons, and sometimes no reason at all. 

Someone may procrastinate because they do not want to do the necessary task, but they would rather do something more enjoyable. In other cases, they may procrastinate because they feel that they can not do the task justice. They will avoid doing it because they fear they will not do it perfectly. 

One example of procrastination: someone must do their taxes. Instead of using their months of available time, they will wait until the last day to do their taxes. 

Consider a student preparing for a final exam. What this college student should do is turn homework in on time and read the relevant material throughout the year. However, a procrastinating student will turn homework in late and only study the night before their final exam. 

The Effects of Procrastination

There are many negative effects of procrastination. In most cases, procrastination leads to chronic stress and anxiety. Because a procrastinator leaves things to the last minute, they are often stressed about completing their task on time. This can lead to anxiety issues as well.

Procrastination can also lead to more severe effects such as a loss of a job or relationship. For example, someone who postpones important activities with their significant other may harm the relationship because of their procrastination. 

Or they may never arrive on time to their job and struggle to complete their occupational tasks. This can lead to reprimanding, loss of their job, and financial issues. 

You can read more about procrastination and its effect on your mental health with assistance from BetterHelp articles and online resources.

How to Overcome Procrastination

  • Make the Ultimate To-Do List

You can start overcoming procrastination by creating an ultimate to-do list! Begin by writing down all of the things you must accomplish and then organize them from most important to least important. This will help keep you focused and on task.

  • Use a Task and Reward System    

If you still find it hard to get things done without getting distracted or postponing them, consider using a reward system For every task you accomplish, reward yourself! Your reward can be a candy bar from the convenience store, a quick walk around the park, or a call with a friend. 

  • Find an Accountability Partner

Lastly, finding an accountability partner can help you break your procrastination habits. Talk to someone about your procrastination concerns. They can come to sit with you while you complete a task. You can also ask them to send reminders to you about your deadlines. With an accountability partner, you are more likely to finish your responsibility!