What To Do If You Do Not Enough iCloud Storage On Your iPhone? Take A Look

not enough iCloud storage

Often many iPhone users can see the pop-up message on their phones that says, not enough iCloud storage. In fact, you might be puzzled if you suddenly see this message on your phone, right? However, you don’t need to worry. We will be sharing with you some of the easiest ways that will help you solve this problem.

Do you know when your phone usually shows this error message? Well, it is when your iPhone is trying to back up its data to iCloud. Let us now check out some of the ways through which you can get rid of this error message.

How Can You Get Rid Of This Error Message From Your iPhone?

Using a premium phone like iPhone can be fun. However, if it does not function smoothly, you need to opt for some ways to get rid of the problem. As discussed above, we usually see this error message when your iPhone is trying to upload its data to iCloud. 

Therefore, you can well understand what it signifies. Yes, it actually says that there is a lack of storage space in your iCloud account. So how can you solve this problem? Let’s dig in!

Delete Photos & Videos From iCloud

By now you must have understood what this error message signifies, right? Yes, it points to the lack of storage space in your iCloud account. Therefore, you need to free some space here by deleting some of the photos and videos. 

Often we have several duplicate pics and videos which takes away our maximum storage. So the easiest way to free up the iCloud is to download the iCloud photos to your computer. After that, you can delete them from your account. The entire process is very simple and hardly takes time. So you can try it out if you are facing this problem.

Turn Off iCloud Photos

Do you know that if your iCloud Photos is turned on, all of the pics that you click on your iPhone get uploaded to iCloud? This is one of the reasons, a huge part of your storage gets filled up. However, you can prevent this from happening by turning off the iCloud Photos option. 

This will make sure your storage is not unnecessarily filled up by all the pics and videos you shoot on your phone. Therefore, you save only the ones you want to have a backup in the cloud.

Get Rid Of iCloud Backups

Well, this is also one of the reasons which block your iCloud. So you need to keep a check on this aspect. If you find that your iCloud storage is filled up completely with old pics, you can free it up by deleting old iPhone backups. 

In fact, if you go over to the storage option you will notice that these backups occupy a lot of space on your device. It is due to this reason that your iPhone might hang up and show the error message, “not enough iCloud storage”. However, you can easily solve the problem in this simple way.

Get More iCloud Storage Externally

When all the above options fail, you can opt for this way of solving your storage problem. This is one of the easiest ways that will also help you to tackle your future storage requirements. 

If you do some research, you will come to know that iCloud storage space is not that expensive. At the same time, Apple makes it pretty accessible for its users. So if you feel that it is becoming problematic to manage your storage requirements, you can buy additional iCloud storage for your phone.

Ending Note

By now you can well figure out that the problem of not enough iCloud storage is one of the most common issues that iPhone users face. However, there are pretty simple and easy ways to solve this problem. So you can take a look at the above points and get an idea about how you can get rid of this error message. 

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