7 Things to Do While Washing Dishes By Hand

Washing Dishes By Hand

You may have a dishwasher at home, but that doesn’t entirely spare you from the horror of washing dishes by hand. Your dishwasher may break down, or your delicate glassware may need special attention, so there may always come a day when you have to resort to manual labour in the kitchen. 

It is not a job you enjoy but keeping your kitchen neat, and bacteria-free is necessary. Now you may not put much thought into the techniques you use for washing dishes, but mind you, there is a right and a wrong way of doing things. 

If you want to get things done faster while maintaining the expected level of cleanliness, here are a few hacks that could be extremely handy. Check them out! 

Don’t Delay Washing Dishes

When there are a bunch of dirty dishes piled up in the sink, it could look daunting, and it may even seem like the entire process will take forever. You would rather spend that time scrolling through social media or watching your favourite show on Netflix. 

In all truth, washing dishes doesn’t take that long. The best way to stop procrastinating would be to take out your phone, set a timer, and get started. Once you start doing it, it may not feel that bad, and you might even end up finishing it before the timer goes off. 

Scrape Off Excess Food Residue 

If you are not going to wash your dishes immediately after a snack or meal, make it a point to scrape off leftovers on the pots, pans, or plates before placing them in the sink. You can get a rubber spatula to avoid scratching your plates. 

Leaving your plates on your sink with excess food residue will only clog your pipes, creating an even bigger hassle later. 

Get a Clean Sponge 

Sponges are breeding grounds for bacteria, so you need to replace them regularly. They get gross long before they change colour or start to smell. Hence, you must keep additional stock of sponges at home to keep replacing them every week. By following this simple habit, you won’t be spreading bacteria to your plates and utensils while cleaning them. 

Soak Your Dishes and Relax 

Soaking your dishes may not look that great, but it’s essential that you do so. It would take a few minutes to soak your dishes in some hot water and dishwashing soap solution. You can take this time to do other chores, and by the time you come back, the debris will loosen up to make your job much easier. 

Ditch Your Regular Detergent for Plant-Based Dishwashing Liquid 

Toxic chemicals are not only harmful to the body but also to the environment. Unfortunately, most regular dishwashing detergents contain huge amounts of chemicals. If you’re serious about keeping your dishes away from sulphates, parabens, and phosphates, switch to a plant-based dishwashing liquid immediately. 

Not only are they economical and eco-friendly, but they are also gentle to the skin. You’d never have to complain about itchy hands or chemical irritation after your dishwashing ritual again.

Wash Your Utensils in the Right Order 

Yes, there is a right order of washing utensils, especially when you want to do things faster and more efficiently. It’s best to start with the least greasy and dirty pieces, which would typically be glassware. 

Then, you can go ahead with plates and serving dishes. Save pots and pans for the end because they require the most amount of work. You may also need extra hot water and detergent to clean them. 

Dry Your Dishes After You’re Done Washing 

Drying your dishes is an integral part of the entire dishwashing process. If you stuff your utensils inside the cabinets while they’re still wet, moisture can creep up and facilitate mildew growth. 

You can get a dish drainer to hold wet utensils in a single place. If you don’t want to go through the extra hassle of drying, let them air-dry. For more patient people, using a lint-free microfiber cloth would be useful. The water draining from the dishes could flood the counters, so placing an absorbent towel or rubber mat below the drainer would be a great idea. 

Wrapping Up 

Washing dishes by hand can seem like a herculean task, especially when there are several dirty utensils on the sink. The best way to do it effortlessly would be to pair it with an activity you like doing. Want to listen to some music or your favourite podcast? Do it. Don’t mind rewatching another episode of FRIENDS? Go ahead. 

If you find something interesting while you clean utensils, it may not seem that dreadful, and you may even finish the job way before time.