How to Spread the Word About Your Startup

business idea
Credit:KetutSubiyanto via:

It’s quite a journey to get from business idea to open for business. But now that you are, how do you let people know you’re here?

The good news is, there are plenty of cost-effective ways to get the word out about your new startup. Keep scrolling to learn what you can do to get your business off the ground. 

Give Away Branded Swag

Swag is the original form of viral content. A t-shirt, tote bag or baseball cap with your logo on it can be seen by hundreds of people throughout its lifetime. 

And it takes minimal effort to order custom branded apparel thanks to technology. Simply make your own shirt online by picking a style that fits your brand and your ideal customer’s lifestyle, upload your logo and you’re pretty much done!  

When you’re just starting out, giving away free t-shirts with a purchase can help ensure that your customers never forget you. And with multiple people wearing your logo out in public, knowledge of your business spreads like wildfire.

Keep Building Your Online Brand 

If you haven’t already created a Google Business Profile, this is a good place to start. Getting listed on Google Maps is crucial. About 46% of all Google searches are for local information, and 97% of people looking for a local business go online to find it.

Which leads to search engine optimization (SEO). Having a website and Google Business Profile doesn’t necessarily mean that your site will appear in searches. Your website has to be optimized for the keywords people use to search for the products or services you offer. You want those same keywords on pages of your website for search engines to find when someone searches them. There are plenty of free and paid keyword research tools that give you an idea of which phrases people use for information on your industry and how many people are searching those phrases.

One of the easiest ways to get your site noticed by people and search engines alike is to write blog posts that include the keywords related to your business. Ideally, you want to provide valuable information to the reader and post to your blog consistently. This increases your website traffic over time, which can generate sales and build your reputation.

You also need a social media strategy that makes sense for your business.


Networking where your customers are is one of the oldest and most effective ways to market a business. Get involved in community events (don’t forget the swag!), and people will look to support you in any way they can. 

Aside from networking to make a name for yourself in your community, you might also consider networking with other entrepreneurs to learn from them. They can share their experiences and also help get the word out about your business in their networks.

Check Startup Canada’s Community page for events and other great resources for startups.