Which Industries Could Benefit from Coordinate Measuring Machines?

Coordinate Measuring Machines
Credit: Monkey Business Images via: canva.com

Coordinate measuring machines may seem like a foreign concept to those outside of the niche, but to many manufacturers and industry leaders, they are an essential component in the functionality and efficiency of their shop floors.

Most of the key manufacturing and production industries have incorporated CMMs into their processes for the variety of benefits they offer. They use expert CMM measurement services to ensure their equipment is routinely calibrated, maintained, and repaired as needed. This allows manufacturers to streamline their production and increase productivity.

In this article, we’ll break down what you need to know about coordinate measuring machines, the industries that are currently benefiting from its features, and the responsibilities that come along with these significant pieces of equipment.

What is a Coordinate Measuring Machine?

A coordinate measuring machine — or CMM as it’s commonly known — is a piece of equipment that measures the geometric surface of an object. This piece of metrology uses probes and software to collect data points and provide accurate measurements on even the most complex objects.

CMMs are available in large, stationary pieces or in the form of a portable CMM, which is beneficial for objects that cannot be taken off the floor or for complex pieces that require more flexibility.

What Kinds of Industries Can Benefit from CMMs?

Nearly every primary manufacturing and production sector has incorporated a CMM into their operations to secure the data they need to streamline their productivity. These industries include:


The automotive industry must rely on accurate measurements of their components in order to facilitate their production and produce safe cars. Cars have several unique moving parts and must be manufactured precisely, which is often only achievable with the help of a CMM and its probes and software.


Every major aerospace manufacturer uses CMMs to provide precise engineering and quality control in their field. The industry has seen a demand for lightweight engines and fuel-conscious components — these demands require the capabilities of a CMM to collect the necessary data to help manufacturers create the appropriate parts. A CMM helps ensure parts are symmetrical and helps production run as efficiently as possible.


In recent years, the energy sector has been tasked with modernizing. In their task of becoming more sustainable, many corporations look to CMMs to help gather the measurements they need to produce sustainable parts and streamline overall production.

Responsibilities of Owning a CMM

Owning or operating a CMM is a significant responsibility and should always include regular calibration and maintenance. Calibration ensures the machine is operating at the current ISO industry standards, which will guarantee the most effective measurements.

Regular maintenance, as you would with your car, helps ensure your machine is running without errors and will help you spot any potential issues before they impact production and productivity. No matter which industry you’re a part of, calibration and maintenance should be routinely scheduled throughout the year to ensure you’re maximizing efficiency and your bottom line.