How To Carry Out The Move Correctly?

Move Correctly

Moving can be caused by several reasons. Expansion of office space, expiration of the lease term, purchase of a new apartment, change of residence, i.e. moving from a bustling metropolis to a suburb or village. The question arises, how to carry out the move correctly?

People of the older generation know only one way to transport property during a move, in which all the work is done independently. In such cases, the help of relatives and friends is appropriate, because packing things, loading them into the car and unloading them in a new place, disassembling and assembling furniture requires a lot of effort.

However, today this type of relocation organization is losing its relevance. An alternative to transporting property yourself is the services of moving companies like Queens movers. Similar organizations:

  • take full responsibility for the move;
  • independently perform all stages of work related to it;
  • their staff consists of qualified movers, furniture assemblers, and packers.

If the move is obvious, you must decide how it will occur. Entrust the organization of all the work to professionals or shoulder the responsibility for the move. The options described above have their advantages and disadvantages.

Moving on your own: pros and cons

An undeniable advantage is saving money. The financial costs incurred when organizing a move on your own will be significantly less compared to paying for the services of a moving company.

There are many more disadvantages. Let’s look at them in detail.

Initially, you need to prepare the furniture for transportation. Disassemble large-sized furniture, and pack its parts and other items. To do this, you need to purchase packaging material, which will take additional time. You can’t do without renting a truck, but if your friend has a car, the problem solves itself.

You can move independently if you have free time. If a person goes to work and gets home only at night, his move can drag on for months. To speed up the process, you can ask your friends for help. But close people cannot always help due to their life circumstances. In addition, sometimes it is customary to organize a banquet for the person moving after completing all the work, which is also not exactly cheap.

A significant disadvantage of moving on your own is that no one is responsible for the safety and integrity of the transported cargo. And it is simply impossible to indicate even approximate completion dates for the work. The move may take 1-2 months.

Moving company services: positive and negative sides

Moving companies specialize in cargo transportation and moving of varying complexity. The principle of their operation is based on the following:

  • provision of transport (trucks, vans, vehicles for transporting oversized cargo);
  • provision of packaging material and packing of items to be transported;
  • provision of services for assembling and disassembling furniture, loading and unloading items;
  • carrying out rigging work if necessary.

o place an order with a company, you first need to decide on the date when you would like the services to be provided. The work can be done both on weekdays and weekends, as for the time, any time convenient for the customer.

After this, you will need to assess the scale of the property being transported; without this, ordering services will be extremely difficult. The size of the truck you will need will depend on the scale. After all, when ordering a more spacious car, you may overpay for unnecessary space, and when ordering a less carrying capacity, not all your property may be accommodated. The company’s employees will help you choose. They will select a vehicle that exactly matches the cargo being transported, and specify the time for arrival at the loading site.

As for the cost, moving organizations determine the cost of their services and announce it to the customer before starting work. They indicate realistic deadlines for completing work and carry them out with a 100% guarantee.

It would seem that everything is simple and convenient, but for such a service the customer will have to pay a hefty sum. Therefore, a person who is confident in his abilities and patience can try to move to a new place of residence on his own. The whole process will be easier if you have your transport. You don’t have to hire a truck, paying for its rental for 4 hours of work.