Linear Guidance In Transport: Safety First And Foremost

Linear Guidance In Transport

The implementation of linear guidance solutions in the transport sector raises a set of specific problems. Whether they are applications for rail, aeronautics or road transport some choices are to be preferred while others are rather discouraged. Because in this particular field, the recurrent presence of vibrations is combined with dust and pollution, against a background of high level of safety for the user.

In general, the choice of a linear guidance system should result from a thorough reflection in the face of the multiplicity of existing technologies and solutions. But transportation and especially when it comes to passenger transportation brings an additional safety requirement. Indeed, this aspect remains a key parameter in the contract that binds the carrier to the user. It should be noted that safety also concerns flight personnel and equipment response teams, whether for servicing or maintenance.

Rail: focus on robustness and the importance of linear guidance

In the rail transport sector, guidance applications are varied. A first category of applications concerns access to trains. Examples include automatic landing doors located on the platform of some metro stations, the exterior doors of cars (sometimes with retractable steps) or the sliding interior doors.

In this field, it is important to take into account a very particular environment: bad weather, various pollution such as brake dust, which is particularly aggressive… Another important parameter is the existence of vibrations likely to accelerate the aging of organs: this is a general concern, shared by the different modes of transport.

The main idea is to privilege reliability and to prefer robustness to sophistication and precision. Specifically, we will opt for roller guides, while abandoning ball solutions, more delicate and more sensitive to dust. Indeed, in a ball mechanism, the accumulation of dust between them is likely to cause a rupture.Obviously, such a major malfunction must be avoided at all costs. In the worst case, the door may come off and pose an immediate risk of a serious accident.

Another example of railway application: the use of telescopic slides

To facilitate and secure the maintenance of the batteries of accumulators of the motors. These imposing batteries, with a mass of nearly 800 kilos, could present a very serious risk of accidental fall during manual handling.

Their installation in drawers equipped with telescopic slides eliminates this hazard, and thus allows a single operator, in complete safety to carry out their verification or even their replacement. For even more safety, there are optional slide locking systems in the closed or open position.

Aviation transport: reliable but light equipment

With regard to cabin equipment for aeronautics, the lightness of each component is at the heart of the problem. But for linear guide elements, it should not be preferred to the detriment of rigidity or reliability.

If we are interested in telescopic slides that connect the seats to the floor structure, the optimal solution will be to use drawn steel. The latter allows to keep an excellent rigidity, for a space and a weight significantly reduced, in comparison with a pressed steel having the same mechanical characteristics.

In addition, induction dipping of the tracks of the slides brings a very clear benefit in terms of durability and resistance to vibration.

Special and airport vehicles: linear units and roller guidance

Linear guidance solutions are also implemented in many special vehicles of firefighters, emergency services, gendarmerie, etc. In this type of vehicle that often houses many drawers and a variety of equipment, the use of integrated telescopic slides can provide additional comfort and safety for the user by avoiding the pinching of fingers during handling, back pain… etc.

Another example of application: airport, refueling or luggage transport vehicles, which operate in a difficult environment combining extreme temperatures and vibrations. Their swing doors, which often remain open, are subject to strong constraints, and it is a context where roller guidance remains a preferred solution.

Our linear guidance systems are suitable for all your projects. Since 1956 Chambrelan we have been specialists in the manufacture of slides, drawers or telescopic slides and sliding rails. Made in France, we meet your requirements in several sectors of technical and industrial activity, railway, health, aviation, electronics, vehicles.

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