Few people would object to the presence of hardwood flooring in their homes. If you’re thinking about adding this element to your space, consider the idea of opting for oiled wood flooring rather than wood that’s protected using some type of conventional layer or protection. There are compelling reasons why an oil finish is a good choice. Here are a few to consider.
Deeper Penetration
An oil finish is not just a surface treatment. It permeates the wood in ways that other options will not. One of the benefits of that penetration is how the natural wood grain and the rich look of the wood itself are enhanced.
If you compare flooring that’s coated with some type of protective layer with an oil finished floor, it’s easy to see how the latter has a deeper and more appealing look. It’s true both options result in beautiful floors, but you will find that using an oil treatment will make something that’s good even better.
Scratches Don’t Show As Easily
You’ve likely seen wood floors that are coated with some type of finish. They do look fine at first, but scratches will develop over time. Those scratches aren’t in the wood proper but in the finish. Depending on what you used to seal and protect the floor, those scratches may take on a lighter appearance that makes them stand out more.
This is less of an issue with oil treated flooring. Because the oil does penetrate into the wood, any scratching that does occur tends to blend in rather than stand out. It’s true that you may want to refinish the floors eventually, but the need to do so won’t occur as often if you opt for oiling the wood.
The Floor is Less Affected by Temperature and Humidity Changes
You already know that having wood flooring means allowing for the small amount of expansion and contraction that takes place as the weather changes. In general, hotter weather causes expansion, while colder weather leads to contraction. Higher humidity also adds to the process.
You may not be aware that oiled wood flooring is capable of handling temperature and humidity changes more efficiently than flooring protected using other coatings. This also tracks back to the fact that the oil seeps into the wood and helps to make it more resistant to changes in the weather. See this as one way to avoid some of the problems that can develop due to contraction and expansion.
Ample Protection
Oiled wood floors are also known to be highly resistant to staining. While you still want to take care of spills as quickly as possible, the potential for the liquid or other substance to seep into the oiled wood is minimal. This means you may be able to clean up before there’s a chance for any type of stain to develop.
Even if you don’t notice the spill for some time, removing what little staining takes place won’t be difficult. Using simple products, it’s possible to lift the stain and restore the wood’s appearance. Even if you need to do some spot-treating with more oil, this won’t be hard to manage.
Before you make a decision, talk with an expert about the merits of oil treatments versus other options for wood flooring. You’re likely to find this solution works well in your home for more than one reason.