Top Five Pay Per Click Tips for Online Retailers

Pay Per Click

As per recent studies, it is being observed that around 81% of shopper’s head to online searching before making a purchase. And that leads to a lot of pressure on online retailers.

Among them, the foremost challenge that an online retailer faces is advertising and Marketing their products. Shopping ads makes it convenient to compare products directly from the SERPs for the consumers. Thus, the digital advertising marketplace has become highly competitive for e-commerce retailers. Due to that, optimizing paid search has become a primary concern for all Crystal Marketing.

Below there are some of the most crucial PPC (pay per click) tips for online retailers:

Divide Shopping Campaigns:

Research claims after you are done with setting up shopping, you must create separate campaigns for products based on their priority. This means categorizing products and marking them as ‘high priority’ and ‘low priority’. It will help you to monitor and dominate the results for each product. If you leave all your products in a single campaign, you might have to raise your budget for products containing lower profit margins. Focus mainly on grouping products of similar value together. And for that, you can seek help from various pay per click services available online.

Ensure High-Quality Images and Accurate Prices:

Although it might not seem to be very important but make sure that your price points are competitive. Because not having a unique selling point or the best price can bring a downfall in your sale. Similarly, the image of the product matters equally. Make sure to use a good quality image that will help the customers to get a better and clear insight into the product. Also, amalgamating both image and price factor, be clear that you put the price depending on the size and image of the product displayed on your site. Putting a higher price may confuse the consumers with the size.

Increase the Credibility of Ad Copy with Numbers:

The first thing that grabs the attraction of consumers is numbers. Since numbers are easy to understand and digest, they are the most favourable way to win your consumer’s trust. Thus, you must not limit the usage of numbers and prices for displaying in shopping ads. You can utilize numbers to raise the CTR of your search ads as well. Suppose, showcasing difference percentage-wise, lower price point, etc. can help you to compete better with even big brands. 

Utilize the Advantage of Automation:

There are certain automation tools available for you to maintain your extravagant search and shopping campaigns. As Conversion Optimizer works well with products having medium to the low average order value; similarly, Ad Customizers help to update your ad copy without you putting any effort into it. Another one is Automatic Bid Rules that check-in on ROI goals and bids up/down the keywords based on its goal.

Offer a Personalized Experience:

Personalization is anything that has been becoming a crucial aspect in optimizing PPC campaigns. It helps to design or provide services and products that meet individual customer’s needs. Providing such facilities encourage more potential customers to join and create profiles. And it also helps the retailers to target and segment its customers accordingly. Although, due to lack of time and knowledge, the advanced solutions help e-commerce retailers more than providing a personalized experience. That is doing it in real-time and as per the user’s varied choices.


Hence, the above five are some of the very basic but effective Pay Per Click tips for online retailers to boost up their business. Since your business completely relies on your customer’s satisfaction, make sure to make them your main priority.

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