Where to Take a Christian Woman on a First Date

Where to Take a Christian Woman on a First Date

When it comes to dating, most experts in the field will tell you that the very first date is going to be the one that will tell you a whole lot about the person you are meeting.  What makes this so important if you are a Christian, is the fact that you are going to want to watch for certain things in order to properly determine whether or not setting up a second date is going to be a good idea, or simply a complete waste of time.  While there are going to be some important things that you should definitely discuss on date number one, it is equally important that you are able to interact and actually enjoy the company of your date as well.

This is why a great first date is going to allow you to have plenty of conservation, but at the very same time, is going to allow you to not have the entire focus on you either.  This is a good thing as it will help to take off some of the pressure, meaning that you will feel more relaxed and less tense.  So you may be wondering what some great first dates for Christians may be?  Well, forget about the old dinner and a movie thing, or for now anyways.

Best Christian First Date Ideas

While there is nothing wrong with that by any means, as far as first dates go, neither of these ideas is really going to allow you to talk to each other and really get a good idea if there is a connection or not.  Since the whole idea of dating is to get to know somebody better, you are going to want to do a date that will allow this to happen.  Here are some of the best first date ideas that you should consider doing on your next first date.

Best Christian First Date Ideas

Being a Christian, there are going to be certain requirements that you are going to need to fill in order to have the first date that you want to happen.  For example, you are going to want to avoid doing anything that will have you being alone.  So the ‘come on over so that I can cook for you’, or the ‘you can come over and we can relax while watching a movie’, are simply not going to work.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you are going to want to take your time.  As a Christian, you want to take your time getting to know your date, so try not to rush anything and let it happen at its own speed.  With all of that being said, the number one thing that you are going to want to keep in mind is that you should try your best to have a good time, even if you decide that this is not going to be the person that you are going to fall in love with.  Ideally you do score both of these, but just in case, remember that dating is supposed to be fun.

Here are some of the best first date ideas for Christians.

  • Go Bowling: Bowling is one of the more old-school types of date ideas that also has a very good casual vibe.  You and your date are able to enjoy some pizza, get to know each other better, and even enjoy in some friendly competition if so desired.  And since almost every town has some type of bowling alley, it is going to be one of the more stress-free environments, allowing both you and your date to relax a little bit more and feel more comfortable, which his going to be very important.  If you are comfortable, you are going to have much more fun.  If you are having fun, there is going to be a much higher chance of setting up a second date.
  • Do a Fun Outdoor Activity: If you are an outdoorsy type of Christian, exploring a new outdoor area or even getting in some physical activity is going to be a great first date idea for you.  Just make sure that your date is also up for the challenge of exploring the outdoors or doing an outdoor activity as well.  Some other outdoor activities include climbing up a rock wall, doing a round or two of miniature golf, or even going on a nice horseback ride.  The amount of possibilities that you are going to have will only be limited by your imagination.
  • Visit an Aquarium: Going to an aquarium is not only something that you do in fourth grade.  In fact, an aquarium is an amazing place for you to have your very first date.  Aquariums allow you to leisurely walk around with your date as you check out all of the different types of marine life.  And since most of the underwater creatures are going to be very colorful, they will give you plenty of interesting topics to talk about as you walk around, essentially meaning that you will have some great conversation for the entire date.
  • Go to a Play or a Musical: Checking out a theater play is another one of the great first date ideas that you can use.  It is not only much more original than a movie, but it is also going to be much classier as well.  You and your date can get all dressed up and really enjoy yourselves.  Now factor in the fact that there is more than likely going to be an intermission, meaning that you will have plenty of chance to talk to each other, unlike when you go to the movies that force you to sit there the entire time in the dark.  Now factor in that fact that there are plays and musicals about anything that you can think of, there is going to be something for every taste.  Just be sure that you visit a play that is your genre preference, and you will have an amazing time on your first date.