Top 5 Best Improved Apps In Their Categories

Top 5 Best Improved Apps In Their Categories

The world of app development is incredibly exciting and the high quality of some of the apps on the market right now are pushing the envelope further than ever before. Within this space there are a number of popular apps which have been front runners in their categories for many years. As new and more exciting apps are developed these popular apps have also had to continuously upgrade and improve in order to retain their spot at the top of their individuals categories. These are the most improved apps which we have seen thus far. 

Finance – Ria Money Transfer

Money transfer was once a slow, painful and expensive process, but those days are gone thanks to apps such as the Ria Money Transfer app for international transfers. As word has spread about the ease and low cost nature of these transfers, Ria has had to make numerous updates in order to cope with the heavy volume and to improve general user experience. Having listened to customers, the Ria app has seen its ratings boom with a massive 30% increase in positive reviews from its users. 

Gaming – Candy Crush 

There have been so many games which caused a stir upon their release but which then fell by the wayside as newer and more exciting games came out. Candy Crush however has continuously looked to add features and improved gameplay to its app, which is exactly why it is still one of the most downloaded apps in the world. The game may be simplistic but with extra levels being added and new ways of playing, it continues to lead in the gaming category. 

Productivity – Todoist

Sometimes the best apps are the most simple, and Todoist most certainly falls into that category. Originally this was a very simple to-do list app, which offered much the same as you can find on the notes section on your phone. This is a highly improved app however and they have added collaboration to take things to the next level. Additionally the developers have integrated photo and video as well as audio recording for easier listing and better productivity. 

Health – MyFitnessPal 

There are a number of apps which have taken the lead of MyFitnessPal which forced this great health app to improve. One of the main criticisms of the app was the range of food items which it had in the database, to help users track calories. The app made the smart move of encouraging users to add their own food products, which it has then sought to add to the database. The result is the biggest database on the market and that coupled with some one-touch features has resulted in an app which is greatly improved. 

Social Media Apps – WhatsApp

Another perfect example of an app which was been forced to improve in order to remain at the top of its category is WhatsApp. There are multiple apps which can offer something similar to the communication giant, which is exactly why there has been such a need for improvements. The introduction of video and audio calling, as well as integration with other apps such as file drives has helped WhatsApp to retain its throne. Additionally the company has made great changes with its desktop app, allowing users to take calls directly from their computer. 

These are currently the most improved apps within each of the most popular categories. 

Author Bio:

Tricia Lee is a contributing writer at Sparkwebs, a Digital Marketing Agency. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel, dance, and read non-fiction.