Where to Put the TV in Your Home? 5 Ideal Locations

Where to Put the TV in Your Home

Americans spend an average of four and a half hours watching TV a day. As such, it’s likely your television plays an important role in your home.

As this is the case, it’s critical to optimize your viewing experience. The placement of your TV will either elevate or ruin your screen experience.

Check out this article for 5 places to consider when choosing where to put the TV in your home.

1) Films Above the Fireplace

This is a classic option for TV placement in the living room. Often, the fireplace and mantle will dominate the space of a living room. There are a few spots to put a television. Fortunately, the mantle is an ideal focal point for a big screen. The entire family can enjoy the screen from anywhere in the room. 

Some may suggest that mounting the TV over the fireplace on the mantle will stand out too much. However, if you enjoy watching, there is nothing wrong with the television being the centerpiece of the living room. 

2) Buried in a Bookshelf

Perhaps you don’t want the tv to be the centerpiece of your house. If you are seeking a more reserved feel to a room, nothing can throw off the aesthetic like a giant tv in the way.

For a more low-key location, consider tucking the screen away in a bookshelf. This is a very cool way to blend your TV in with the room. A screen nestled amongst books and other mementos gives the TV a restrained look.

This idea works great if your house has a study or a reading room. 

3) Terrace Television

Outdoor TV is not as crazy as it sounds. If you have a terrace or patio, make the most of it by adding a TV. 

Many companies make TVs customized for exterior set up. The one thing to watch out for is glare. Be sure to mount the TV in such a way that the screen is in the shade. This will provide a better viewing experience and protect it from the heat. 

With the grill nearby and the TV on, you may never go back inside. 

4) Basement Bungalow

Your home’s basement doesn’t have to be for storage. Nothing says man-cave or game room like a giant flatscreen in the basement. Throw some couches and a mini-fridge down there. The basement TV will quickly become the go-to screen on game day.

If you are worried about picking up poor reception in the basement, there are remedies. Find out more about antenna boosters and digital amplifiers to enhance viewing.  

5) Best Part of a Bedroom 

If you like to drift to sleep watching your favorite shows, a bedroom tv is a no-brainer. However, the important question is where to put a tv in the bedroom?

The height is the key to proper placement. You have to imagine that you will be lying down when watching in your room. If you choose to mount the TV, be sure it is at a height and angle where you won’t have to crane your neck 

Another option is a chest or trunk at the foot of your bed. This will keep the screen closer but takes more space than mounting.   

Determine Where to Put the TV in Your Home

There are some art and some practicality involved in TV placement. When deciding where to put the TV in your home, keep these ideas in mind. Optimize your TV watching experience by selecting the right location. 

Of course, if you have more than one tv, you can utilize a couple of these ideas. If you enjoyed this article, stick around the blog for more tips to improve your home.