Introduction to Simulink in Matlab

Simulink training courses

Simulink is a dynamic and software-integrated simulation and model design system based on MATLAB. Simulink is a graphical programming language data flow tool developed by MathWorks for modelling, simulating, and analysing MDS. Online MATLAB simulation courses can give further information.

Similar Link can routinely validate and verify models because it is essentially a diagrammatical framework. Customisable block library packages with product style control traceability criteria.

Simulink supports:

  • System-level design
  • Simulation
  • Automatic code generation
  • Testing and verification of embedded system
  • Other Matlab products, as well as add-on specific hardware systems and software applications, are available to Simulink users.
  • Stateflow: It is used to create state machines and system flow charts
  • Simulink Coder: This tool is used to generate C code for real-time applications
  • xPC Target and real-time systems based on with: It is a platform for simulating and analysing state machines on a system
  • Embedded Coder: This is a type of coder that is used in embedded systems
  • HDL Coder: It is used to create VHDL and Verilog code
  • SimEvents: It provides a graphical user interface for system design.

How does Simulink Work in Matlab?

The following steps demonstrate how Simulink works in Matlab.

1) The first step is to launch Simulink with the help of libraries by typing Simulink into the command window.

2) There will be three-block libraries on the panel: Simulink, search results, and frequently used. Select the Simulink library. After selecting the above option, a list of libraries will appear on the right side.

3) The third step is to create fundamental building blocks. To create a new system, choose ‘new’ from the library option. It will bring up a new window for system design.

4) The fourth step is element selection. Here, we must select the blocks that are required for system block construction. A simple drag-and-drop option is available here, or you can proceed with the left mouse button.

5) The output is displayed as the final step. On top of the window, there is a small green icon that is used to run the model.

Example 1

Consider the following scenario: I want to create a sine wave and display the result.

To solve the above problem, I must take the following steps:

  • In the command window, type ‘Simulink.’
  • Launch a new model window
  • Drag the sine wave block to a new blank window after selecting the source
  • Drag normal scope to the new blank window after selecting a sink
  • Connect the sine wave and scope as the source and sink
  • Press the run button.

Example 2

The second example is the addition of two signals. Assume that one signal is a sine wave and the other is a step signal. Simulink training courses provide a detailed description of the same.

To create a model, we must first complete the following steps:

  • In the command window, type Simulink.’
  • Launch the new model
  • Drag the sine wave block to a new blank window after selecting the source
  • Drag the step signal to the source
  • Drag adder to a new window after selecting the math operation
  • Drag normal scope to the new blank window after selecting a sink
  • Connect the adder to a sine wave and a step signal
  • Connect the adder to the scope to see the result
  • Press the run button.