Prince Harry Honors King Charles III at Coronation Without Duchess Meghan

Prince Harry

You may have heard that Prince Harry was recently a guest at King Charles III’s coronation without his wife, Duchess Meghan. This was seen as a major surprise by many, given that it is customary for the royal consort to accompany the monarch to their coronation.

Prince Harry and King Charles III are related to each other through Harry’s father, Prince Charles. As such, it is expected that the two hold each other in high regard and consider one another family. Thus, it seems only fitting that Harry made an appearance to show his support and pay respects at his cousin’s coronation.

In this article, we will take a closer look at why Prince Harry attended King Charles III’s coronation without Duchess Meghan and what this could mean for their relationship going forward.

Prince Harry

Prince Harry Attends King Charles III’s Coronation Solo

Prince Harry has made his first solo public appearance since stepping back from his royal duties, attending King Charles III’s coronation ceremony over the weekend—sans Meghan Markle.

The Duke of Sussex was seen entering Westminster Abbey in London, looking incredibly dapper in a classic black suit with an edgy twist. He was joined by Prince William, but the two were noted to have been keeping a significant distance between them.

It is believed that Prince Harry kept his attendance as low-key as possible in order to avoid attention and controversy surrounding his arrival without Duchess Meghan. This didn’t stop the eye-catching display of support for the British monarchy. Fans of The Prince are recognizing this return to public duty as a sign of respect for the new King Charles III, whom he clearly still holds dear.

King Charles III

Why Meghan Markle Did Not Accompany Prince Harry

On Saturday, April, 2021, Prince Harry attended the coronation of King Charles III without his wife Meghan Markle. Reports suggested that Meghan had stayed behind in California to be with their two children.

While the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been in the media recently for their personal and professional choices, this decision may have been a practical one focused on securely carrying on working and caring for their family.

Meghan’s absence from the coronation is even more significant considering the couple’s commitment to remaining active members of the royal family and supporting the monarchy. Therefore, it seems that making sure their family was taken care of took priority over attending an important royal event like this one.

Prince Harry’s Tribute to His Father, the New King

Prince Harry attended the coronation of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey, his first appearance at a royal ceremony since stepping away from royal duties in 2020. Without Duchess Meghan by his side, Prince Harry came alone to honor his father’s ascension to the throne with a heartfelt speech.

Speaking on behalf of the Royal Family, Prince Harry praised Charles III for his lifelong dedication to public service and offering support during difficult times. He highlighted Charles III’s commitment to causes related to poverty, education and environmental preservation.

King Charles III

He ended on a personal note, expressing confidence that King Charles III will continue to lead the monarchy with strength and wisdom. He also suggested that Meghan Markle had sent her love and respect for the new King.

The speech was met with enthusiastic applause from the audience – a testament to Prince Harry’s sincere tribute to his father on this historic day.

Historic Coronation Ceremony for King Charles III

The coronation of King Charles III is finally here – and without a doubt, it’s an event of epic proportions. As befitting a King, pomp and circumstance reign supreme at the ceremony – with Prince Harry proudly walking in to honor his father.

Historic Coronation Ceremony for King Charles III

While his wife Duchess Meghan was not present, Prince Harry made sure to uphold tradition:

  • He was dressed in full formal regalia – a wide-collared scarlet coat and black trousers, topped off by a sword of state ceremonial belt.
  • He walked alongside his brother Prince William and sister-in-law Duchess Catherine during the procession.
  • He knelt before his father to pay homage to him as the new King of England.

He also took time out after the ceremony to greet well-wishers who had gathered around the periphery of Buckingham Palace – all while flashing a peace sign as he departed.

Public Support for King Charles III and Prince Harry Reunion

The coronation of King Charles III marked a major milestone for the British monarchy, and exciting news for the royal family. The long-awaited event also marked a reunion between Prince Harry and King Charles III, in what has been characterized as an emotional and moving moment.

Public Support for King Charles III and Prince Harry Reunion
(L-R) Britain’s Prince William, Prince of Wales, Britain’s Catherine, Princess of Wales, Britain’s Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Britain’s Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, wave at well-wishers on the Long walk at Windsor Castle on September 10, 2022. King Charles III pledged to follow his mother’s example of “lifelong service” in his inaugural address to Britain and the Commonwealth, after ascending to the throne following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8. (Photo by Chris Jackson / POOL / AFP)

While Prince Harry chose to attend the coronation without his wife, Meghan Markle, the outpouring of support for the two was evident. Crowds cheered as the pair entered Westminster Abbey, with many of them snapping photos with their mobile phones to capture a moment they surely won’t forget anytime soon.

The occasion was especially meaningful for Harry, who said it was a “great honor” to be at his father’s side during such an historic event. He expressed his admiration and respect for Charles III saying “he brings together people from all walks of life” and that he hopes to pick up where Charles left off when it comes to “embracing diversity, championing peace and progress in all corners of his kingdom”.

Public support for Prince Harry’s decision to attend the coronation without Meghan Markle was overwhelming. His gesture demonstrated loyalty and respect both to King Charles III and all the British people who look upon him as their future king.

What’s Next for the Royal Family Under King Charles III’s Reign

The coronation of King Charles III marked the start of a new era for the royal family. With Prince Harry’s attendance, the new King is off to a great start.

But what does the future hold for Britain now that the House of Windsor has a new ruler?

A New Direction

King Charles III is expected to shift the focus of the monarchy in favor of promoting greater diversity and inclusion. He has already hinted at restructuring roles and responsibilities to ensure that all members of his family are contributing in meaningful ways and continuing to work toward modernizing the monarchy.

The King’s reign will also bring greater transparency and accountability to the monarchy, setting higher standards for their actions and setting an example through his own behavior. He is also likely to take a more active role in charitable causes related to youth education, mental health, sustainability, and homelessness.

All these changes are sure to move Britain forward, as well as provide inspiration for other young royals across Europe, like Prince William and Duchess Kate’s children. It’s an exciting era ahead for the royal family!


After a tumultuous year for the Royal Family, Prince Harry has reignited hope in the public for the reign of King Charles III. In a symbolic gesture of support, Prince Harry attended the coronation solo, demonstrating his commitment to his beloved family and leaving the possibility for reconciliation in the air. While Duchess Meghan Markle was unable to attend, her absence reminds the public that even the most enduring relationships can be tested by time, opening the door for a reconciliation between the Royal Family and its former member. Prince Harry’s courageous move will no doubt be remembered as a sign of his loyalty and strength, as he continues to honor his family and its legacy despite the change and hardship of the past year.

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