Preschool For An 18-Month-Old: What I Notice In The First Week?

Preschool For 18 Month Old

When should parents join our kids in preschool? Nowadays, parents are joining their 18-month-old kids in preschool. But, many people are joining their kids after two and half years. 

I checked five schools and discussed with my friends and family to decide about my kid. I joined my 18 months old daughter at a nearby preschool. It was just for a 2-month summer camp. I even accompanied my daughter throughout this summer camp. In such a time, I observed many things in the first week and wrote a blog about Preschool For 18 Month Old daughter.

Unpredictable Children: 

You may think that your child is very quiet and adjust to the school environment soon. But I saw different characters of children in school. Some of them are,

  • Children cry out loudly after entering the classroom from a break.
  • Some children cried after their mother left the school
  • While some kids never want to enter the classroom but want to play in the playground all over the day
  • Some children happily engage in the activities taught by the teacher

So, it is difficult to get an idea of how children will behave after entering school.

Teachers Deserve Much Respect:

Teachers Deserve Much Respect

Teaching is not easy as you think and for those who are in the teaching profession, we should give a standing ovation. Teachers never lose their temper and they stay cool with their students. They even resolve the fights between kids in the classroom calmly. 

Though some kids are very naughty and disturb the whole class, they never get angry. But they just focused on the activities to be done on that day. 

How Young The Kids Are?

During the storytime, my 18-months old kid just switched off the moment. But I saw other kids who are aged above 2 years, listening sincerely to the teacher’s story. While some of the kids are trying to imitate the teacher without understanding the meaning. So, is that she is too young to understand all such things.

It’s Tiring:

Even though, if you wake up soon, you will not feel tired of managing household work. It is tiring for me to get into this routine. It includes the big list like

  • Breakfast preparation
  • Eating breakfast
  • Morning Tea
  • Bathing
  • Making the bag ready

All the above works need to be done within a short period is a big challenge. 

Proximity Helps:

The first schooling provides a new experience for both you and your kid. If you stay in a busy city where traffic is a common problem, you can go choose the local school. This will provide you with some extra time in the morning for completing your work. Even you will not get stressed about doing routine jobs. 

Tiffin time:

In school, Tiffin time is another mystery. Some children will sit and eat properly, while other kids need parents to feed them. And some kids will wander around but will not sit and eat their food. Thus, mothers don’t have any idea about how teachers caring their kids for eating. That too, this eating battle will have only half an hour to finish it off.

This was my preschool experience of joining my 18-month-old daughter. It was my one-week experience of visiting the preschool.

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