What’s The Truth About The Kristen Bell Tattoos?

Kristen Bell Tattoos
Credit: cyber planet

A lot of people know Kristen Bell as one of the most famous Hollywood sweethearts. She has appeared in a lot of films and TV shows in her career. However, to the fans, Kristen Bell Tattoos have been the most striking feature. Recently, there are leaked pictures of hers that suggest that she is covered in tattoos. 

Therefore, this incident has quite naturally caused a stir in online mode. So, people want to know whether the actress has been hiding her tattoos all along or not. In other words, are the Kristen Bell tattoos real? Well, if you want to know about it, then it is time to follow this article. Here we will share everything that you need to know about tattoos of Kristen Bell. 

Does Kristen Bell Have Tattoos?

Does Kristen Bell Have Tattoos?
Credit: new york gal

Well, if you follow the recent online trends, then you should know about Kristen Bell’s tattoos. So, there are a few online pictures that suggest the actress has plenty of tattoos all over her body. So, the question is whether those tattoos are real or not. Well, apparently, like most of the rumors on the internet, tattoos of Kirsten were also part of a simple joke. So, if you want to know whether Kristen Bell tattoos 2020 real or not, then the answer is negative. 

Backstory Of The Tattoos Of Kirsten Bell

As we said earlier in this article, Kristen Bell actually doesn’t have any tattoos. All the tattoos that we see on her body are fake. In other words, it was just a rumor. However, people may like to know the origin story of this rumor. 

According to the sources, someone uploaded images of Kristen Bell tattoos. So, quite naturally, people spread those pictures like wildfire on various social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. However, due to a lack of context, people fell for that joke. 

So, if you want to know the truth about those Kristen Bell tattoos, then you are at the right place. According to the sources, these pictures of Kirsten were actually a part of an old skit that she did for Funny Or Die back in the year 2012. 

So, in that popular skit, she covered her whole body with Butterfly tattoos. In addition, she also had tattoos of a lot of notable figures, such as Steve Urkle. Despite the skit being old, Kirsten has aged like a fine wine and that’s why the fans couldn’t distinguish Kirsten’s younger self from her current self. 

Backstory Of The Tattoos Of Kirsten Bell
Credit: yahoo

How Many Tattoos Does Kristen Bell Have?

So, according to a Kristen Bell tattoos video, or in the viral video, we can see that she has 214 tattoos. However, as we mentioned earlier that it was just an old skit. In other words, she doens’t have any ‘real tattoos’. 

Some people also asked her whether she has any ink on her body or not. Well, the sources tell us that she denied that she had any tattoos at that moment. According to Kristen, “I’ve always wanted a tattoo, but my husband doesn’t like, uh, girls with tattoos.”

Even though the actress doesn’t have a real tattoo now, it’s possible that she may have in the future. According to Kristen, she does have strong maternal instincts, and that’s why she may get a materainity-related tattoo sometime in the future. 

Kristen Bell


  • How Many Tattoos Does Kristen Bell Have?

According to the sources, Kristen doesn’t have any real tattoos. However, as per the fake picture and the video, she had 214 tattoos. 

  • Why Does Kristen Bell Hide Her Tattoos?

Well, Kristen Bell actually doesn’t have any tattoos on her body. So, that’s the reason why we can’t see any tattoos and feel that she hides her body. 

  • How Many Tattoos Does Kristen Bell Really Have?

Kristen Bell, the famous Hollywood actress doesn’t have any tattoos at all. However, she may get a maternity-related tattoo in the future if she feels like it. 

  • Kristen Bell How Many Tattoos?

She doens’t have any real tattoos. 

  • How Many Tattoos Does Kristen Bell?

Well, as per the sources, Kristen Bell doesn’t have any tattoos on her body. It was just a rumor and a fake skit video. 

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