Attend Meetings from Home with Best Video Conference Software

Video Conference Software

Technological development has made it possible for workers to do their jobs outside the office. A lot of people now have the option to work from anywhere they please, including their homes. Remote working is becoming more and more common these days due to the ongoing pandemic. As long as workers can finish what’s requested, being physically present in the office becomes less of a concern.

We know that working is not only a matter of completing tasks. Communicating with clients and colleagues is important to keep your work in sync. Since remote working is on the rise, teamwork has to rely solely on internet connection.

Collaborating with your teammates through the net can be tricky; there’s a high chance of miscommunication. That’s the reason why companies nowadays hold virtual video meetings. It’s by far the most effective way to share your ideas together from different places. To do this, you need video conference software on your computer or laptop.

How to choose

There are a few options of video meeting software you can choose from. But before we get right into the recommendations, let’s go over the things you need to consider while picking the right video conference software.

First and foremost: high video and audio quality. This is crucial as it’s the main medium you will use to communicate in the meeting. If the quality is low, especially for the audio, be prepared to repeat yourself over and over again during the meetings.

The second thing is neat UI/UX. If the software has a complicated design or is hard to use, why bother? Instead, choose video conference software that lets you easily schedule, start, and join meetings.

Third, decent collaboration features. Online meetings aren’t just a bunch of people chatting together. Sometimes you need to present your work by sharing the screen or texting meeting participants. The software you pick needs to enable these things.

The conference software also needs to be easily accessible for people to join the meeting room. Providing a link to enter the meeting in one click would be neat. It’s better if you don’t even need to log in or sign up.

Last but not least, the recording option. Sometimes some people couldn’t join the meeting, but still need to understand the matter discussed. In this case, the software would be helpful if they allowed video recordings to be shared later.

Our picks


This software’s popularity skyrocketed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Zoom has become lots of people’s go-to for video conferences. It is now a lingo synonymous with the online meeting—it’s just that well-known.

Zoom functions great as a video meeting software in a lot of ways. You can access it from most major platforms, either from the desktop or from your phone. It is simple enough for most people to use, and enables screen sharing, in-meeting chats, as well as full-length video recording. However, there were problems with Zoom’s security and data privacy, so consider this if you want to use it for confidential discussions.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft launched its own video conference software by the name of Teams. This software is an excellent combination of meeting and team communication, as many others only focus on either one. It’s loaded with a bunch of cool collaboration features, such as note-sharing and whiteboard features. You can also invite up to 10,000 people to one single meeting room.

Another cool thing about Teams is that you can join a meeting with multiple devices at the same time. It’s really useful when you have a technical problem with one of your gadgets. Interested in using Teams? Chances are you already have it installed on your Windows devices, as it comes pre-packaged with Microsoft 365 suite. Give it a try and see the quality yourself.

Video Conference Software

Source: – @dkfra19

Google Meet

Of course, Google had to make its own version of any existing service on the internet—including video conferences. Introducing Google Meet, a cloud-based online meeting service released by Google. It’s made specifically for business purposes, allowing a large number of participants to attend one meeting room.

As a part of Google Workspace, Meet is highly integrated with other Google services like Calendar and Gmail. It lets you notify people about the meeting through email and let them add it to their schedule. Google Meet is available to access through web and Android phones. Don’t forget that it’s free of charge, which is a huge perk for users.

Webex Business

Cisco recently joined the video conference software game by launching Webex Business. The software has undergone a major upgrade, so consider re-installing it if you’ve used it before. Video quality is the main thing Webex focuses on, assuring you a smooth, high-definition video throughout the meeting. Download it to your computer or phone to enjoy its features like collaborative whiteboard and document sharing.

It’s possible for you to use Webex on a free plan. However, getting the paid Business plan might be a better option, as it lets you utilize all the available features. This can be a bit of a downside due to its higher price compared to other conference software. Still, Webex is a great software to consider for your business needs.

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Source: Webex official website