How to install Google Analytics in WordPress for beginners?

How to install Google Analytics in WordPress

If you are using WordPress, you might know the importance of Google Analytics. It is one of the essential features to learn about how your audience is interacting with your website. Google Analytics helps you to keep a check on the traffic statistics and how your website is working. The best part about this web service is that it is free.

In this article, we are going to discuss how to install Google Analytics in WordPress for beginners. So you don’t need to panic and follow these simple steps to install Google Analytics in your WordPress.

How to install Google Analytics in WordPress?

Google Analytics is free, and all you need is a Google Gmail account to sign up. The signup process is described below:

How to Sign up for Google Analytics

Step 1: Go to Google Analytics and login with your Gmail or Google account. If you have a Gmail or a Google account, then simply sign in. If you don’t, then, create one.

Step 2: After this process, a screen will be displayed to sign up for Google Analytics with your Gmail account.

Step3: Provide an account name. A screen will be displayed, select the option ‘web’ on it.

Step 4: Enter your website name, URL, country, and timezone. After filling in the information, click on the Next button. Terms and conditions will appear on the screen. Select okay.

Step 5: Google Analytics tracking code will appear, copy the tracking code, and enter it in your WordPress site.

How to install Google Analytics in WordPress

There are a few different methods to set up Google Analytics in WordPress so, here we are describing one of the ways:

Monster insights are one of the most used plugins for WordPress, and it has approximately 1 million websites. It is relatively easy to use and is available both in the paid and free versions.

Step 1: Install the Moon insights and activate the plugin.

Step 2: Choose the category of your website. Then, click and save.

Step 3: Click on the ‘Connect Moon insights.

Step 4: Select the Google account, allow Moon insight access to your WordPress.

Step 5: Select your website and then click on ‘Complete Connection.’

Step 6: Now, Moon Insights will install Google Analytics on your website. Make the recommended settings. For affiliate links, you need to add the path. Save and continue.

Step 7: It will ask you to upgrade to the paid version; skip the step. It will ask you to install the WPF plugin. You can install or ignore it.

It will take some time before showing you the desired result. Google Analytics will appear on your WordPress dashboard. Go to the WordPress dashboard and select Reports.

Benefits of Installing Google Analytics to your WordPress Account 

Now, you have an idea about how to install Google Analytics in your WordPress Account. Let’s answer another question about why Google Analytics is essential for your website.

  1. If you want to start your blog, the first thing you will need is traffic and subscribers. Google Analytics helps you make this work more comfortable by giving you statistics about your website’s traffic.
  2. Google Analytics tells you the location of your readers. This helps you to track from which area you are getting heavy traffic.
  3. It tells you about the referral source to your website. For instance, if Facebook generated more traffic, you need to focus on driving traffic from Facebook.
  4. It is free of cost and helps you to automatically collect the data about your website.
  5. It also helps you to drive traffic from other social media platforms as well.
  6. This application also guides you about what kind of content you should focus on.

Google Analytics is a fantastic web service for people who are into blogging or want to generate traffic to their website. The process is quite simple, and this service works great. So, do install it quickly to get better traffic and response.

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