Clever and Affordable In-Car Items

Auto Snap Shades

Long car drives can be challenging, both for the driver and the passengers. Although there are many ways to keep ourselves entertained while on the road, cooped up in a vehicle isn’t everyone’s idea of a fun few hours. But alas, there are ways to at least make that cross-country drive more comfortable and less of an inconvenience. Let’s take a look at some of the things that can help with this dilemma:

  • Auto Snap Shades – A very smart place to start. Auto snap shades, or auto window shades as they are also known as, are custom fitted to your vehicle. They provide privacy for your journey, provide UV protection from the sun’s rays, which in turn keeps the interior temperature of the car down, lessening the need to pump out cool air from the air conditioner, and are super simple and quick to pop in and out of the windows.
  • Car Seat Organiser – Toys, snacks, hairbands, coins. You name it, and it’s probably strewn across the seats somewhere, passively thrown somewhere when taking that long car journey. Never fear, as a car seat organiser can provide a nice little space of storage for all those little bits and bobs, creating a cleaner and organised feel to the car, so you aren’t stressing out when you reach your destination, trying to tidy up where the kids, or some adults, have been sitting. Take a look here for more information on cars.
  • Cable Organisers – On the theme of keeping things neat and organised – behold the humble cable organiser! We all know that using phones and tablets on the road is standard procedure these days, so with chargers galore, why not keep it all looking slick and tidy with some cable organisers? You can tie them all up, keep them lined up neatly, and also stop the likelihood of accidentally pulling and possibly breaking them when inside the car.
  • Anti-Slip Dashboard Mat – Probably an underrated gismo that can be bought for your vehicle, but it is both handy and can protect phones, sunglasses, and anything else you can think of that you inadvertently pop onto the dashboard, because you’re in a hurry. You can get them in different colours and shapes to fit your vehicle, and blend quite nicely into the dashboard, not sticking out like a sore thumb.
  • USB Car Charger – I mean, it goes without saying that you’ll find these in 99% of vehicles these days. Great to have for charging on the go, you can get them with multiple ports to keep you and passengers happy, and ports for different phones, so the one awkward person that insists on sticking with their Android phone isn’t giving you evils the whole way.

Here is a nice selection of inexpensive gadgets and gismos you can purchase to make short and long car journeys that little bit more bearable. Great for keeping things tidy, charging, and also doing your bit by being more energy efficient. It’s a win-win! Click here for more information on driving where you are.

For more information, visit ApzoMedia