Audrina Patridge Husband No Longer Together: Did You Know?

Audrina Patridge Husband

Audrina Patridge husband has filed for divorce after barely a year of marriage. According to reports, no concrete reason for the separation has yet been given. However, it is quite possible that a series of abusive incidents are a major factor. Patridge has also brought a restraining order against ex-husband Corey Bohan.

Now, this is quite shocking given the fact that this marriage has lasted for only a very short time. What could have possibly gone so wrong? The couple even has a daughter together, Kirra Max Bohan. We delve a bit deeper into the ugly spat to find out more details. 

Audrina Patridge Husband
Credit: marie clarie

Sources close to the couple say Patridge’s number one concern is her daughter. For this reason, she has even asked for privacy while they sort out the issue and put things to rest. However, the legions of fans who have been following the divorce have only one question.

After all the time Bohan claimed to love Patridge so much he could not live a single day without her, what did he do to provoke such a strong reaction? Perhaps a closer look at the past will yield some much-needed answers. 

Bohan and Patridge: A Tragic Tale

Where did we first come across Bohan? Yes, you remember correctly. We came across him in the popular MTV show The Hills. Quite ironically, we were introduced to him in the character of Patridge’s love interest. The celebrity couple instantly hit off and began dating each other in 2008.

There were a lot of on-and-off moments during the relationship, and plenty of gossip went on around them. In November 2015, Bohan finally decided to take things forward and proposed to his long-time girlfriend in Orange County, California. Partridge accepted the proposal, and they were married a year later. See Audrina Patridge husband Corey. 

Bohan and Patridge
Credit: People

We remember the exact moment when the proposal took the world by storm. Bohan simply dropped to one knee, and the words of love simply gushed out of him without restraint. Bohan told his sweetheart they had been together for so long now that he could not imagine life without her anymore.

He claimed to love her more than anything and anyone else. He also said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and promised he would take care of her. Partridge later told the reporters that he was initially shocked but accepted because she found the proposal earnest. See Audrina Patridge husband 2019. 

The Fall

Partridge also revealed how she had to face criticism a lot for having a baby before marriage. She weathered the criticism as well as she could, and Bohan stood by her to the best of his ability. However, after barely a year had passed, cracks started appearing in the relationship.

In a span of a few months, some irreconcilable differences cropped up between the TV star and the professional BMX rider. According to her, she feared for the safety of her child and thus had to put a restraining order on him. 

She said she fears Bohan a lot for his anger issues and his tendency to swear uncontrollably at her, even in front of her daughter. Another source close to the couple has said that problems have existed their whole relationship, but Patridge kept putting things off, hoping Bohan would improve. But apparently, things have now come to a head. Let’s see what the future brings. 

The Fall
Credit: Glamour


1. What happened to Audrina Patridge and her ex husband?

Partridge filed for divorce with her ex husband alleging domestic abuse. 

2. Who is Audrina Patridge’s ex husband?

Corey Bohan is Audrina Patridge’s ex husband.

3. Is Audrina Patridge married?

Currently, Audrina Patridge has filed for divorce with her husband Corey Bohan.  

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