AI (Artificial Intelligence) : Here Are Some Benefits And The Fear Factor

Artificial Intelligence

AI is an issue that is receiving huge attention across the globe. To put it simply, AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It refers to giving machines the ability to think like humans. Developers have framed it in an artificial way. By using coding, we build intelligence in machines just like humans. This helps them to learn, make their own choices, do tasks independently, and handle multiple tasks together. With Artificial Intelligence, computer or robot systems are set up to function according to the same principles as the human brain.

With this, machines learn autonomously from computer programs without human assistance. This means you give a machine a command, and it uses its artificial intelligence to make a decision based on that and then performs the task according to that command. Thus, Artificial Intelligence is like software that thinks like humans, learning from human decisions. AI studies how the human brain thinks and learns while solving problems, how it makes decisions, and how it functions. It’s through all these logical processes that AI makes decisions in similar situations.

A Bit of History Artificial Intelligence

The story of AI began in the 1950s when Alan Turing published the Three Laws of Robotics for testing machine learning and presented the Turing Test. This showed that machines can be taught like humans. In 1958, John McCarthy developed the “Lips” programming language at MIT. It paved the way for creating AI applications.

In 1968, the success opened the first path to success for AI. After that, in 1979, the development of INTERNIST opened new horizons for AI development. Then, in 1987, the development of the first commercial strategic and managerial advisory system expanded the field of AI. In the following decade, the work progressed further.

AI trains machines to recognize problems, understand their causes, and be prepared through algorithms to strategize based on learning. They could identify and solve similar problems again. In 1997, the world witnessed a thrilling moment when IBM’s Deep Blue chess machine defeated the reigning world champion, Garry Kasparov. This historic test between a machine and human brilliance showcased that machines can perform intellectual tasks, just like humans, by making decisions on their own using their intelligence.

A Bit of History

Benefits of AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI is beneficial in many ways. In the field of education, it has simplified learning by providing simple solutions to complex problems. In healthcare, AI not only helps in regular health check-ups. It also helps in monitoring body parameters and diagnosis. Moreover, AI scans are proving helpful in identifying even the smallest problems in the body. AI helps to categorize patients and identify their specific health needs. It also is able to plan for each patient’s treatment, remind them of appointments, monitor their progress, maintain medical records, and handle health insurance claims. In the future, AI will be quite effective for advanced features like expert AI-based robotic surgeries, virtual nurses, or doctor services. Along with this, it is also helpful in agriculture, manufacturing units, and many other aspects of life.

Benefits of AI

AI And The Fear Factor

Many people are worried about AI because they’re scared of losing control over privacy. At the same time, there is the fear of lowering the value of being human. The idea that AI might act like a thinking creature beyond human control is really scary. This fear gets worse because of movies and stories that show AI as something uncontrollable. Also, AI can work with data and information, but it doesn’t always show us how it decides things. This makes people worried about their privacy and being watched. 

Another worry is that AI might do things better than humans, and this could make us feel less important. With AI getting better at tasks, people are concerned about jobs and how society might change. Some folks are also afraid that AI could end up replacing humans in many parts of life. This worries us because it makes us wonder about our purpose and who we are.

Final Words

Final Words

AI is a revolutionary development of science. It is definitely a thing to celebrate. However, history shows us that too much dependence on computers and software might end up paralysing us intellectually and physically. Thus, moderation is the keyword here. AI used with moderation can be a boon. Otherwise, we might end up creating a Frankenstein for us.

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