How to Market Your Restaurant on the Internet?

Market Your Restaurant Online
Image Credit Via pixabay

Well, you’ve made it! You’ve started your restaurant, and you’re ready to promote it.

The ambiance of your place is essential because it sets the tone for what kind of experience people will have when they come in. You’ve probably spent a lot of time creating the perfect atmosphere in your restaurant. Congratulations on that.

But now that you’re open for business, how do you get customers? You need to market your restaurant so people know where to find it and what they can expect when they arrive. After all, how else will anyone find out about all that hard work?

Internet marketing is an excellent way to reach customers without being intrusive or annoying with direct sales tactics or guerrilla marketing tactics like door-to-door salespeople (GASP!). You can take an example of a promotion of a new restaurant let by Tyler Robinson

The restaurant is due to open shortly in a new location. Tyler has taken the restaurant’s marketing to the next level by using social media to connect with the audience. People are already excited to visit the new place. In short, marketing via social media sites like Facebook can be pretty effective if done correctly.

Why and How to Market Restaurants Online?

Marketing online can help create brand awareness among potential customers who may not necessarily have heard of your new eatery yet. Still, it could be interesting to check out what makes it different from other restaurants nearby–or even from those across town who have similar offerings as yours but cost more money per plate served at dinner time compared specifically because those establishments charge extra for items such as appetizers before ordering main courses–something which might not appeal very much. There are many ways to market your restaurant online. Here are some of the most important ones:

Create a Website

Create a website if you’ve made it this far and haven’t already. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, secure, and up to date with its content. You want people to have an enjoyable experience when visiting your site. 

So make sure there are no bugs or errors that could prevent users from finding the information they need or taking action as a result of something you’ve included on the site (for example: don’t create anything that might scare off customers by having an animated ad pop up in their face). 

Also, make sure that if someone visits your website and doesn’t know what they’re looking for yet – they aren’t left hanging! A good call-to-action can help guide them toward converting into customers.

List Your Establishment on Google My Business Page

If you want to market your restaurant on the internet, the first step is getting your business listed on Google. There are many ways to do this, but you can start by creating an account with Google Analytics (this will tell you how many people are visiting your website). 

Then, use Google Search Console to track how well-positioned your website is in search results. Finally, advertise on Google AdWords if you have money to spend. Google also has other services that can help drive traffic to your site:

  • Use Google Maps if people need directions to get there or if they want more information about parking or hours before coming in (and make sure it’s accurate!).
  • Add pictures and descriptions of food items, so customers know what they’re getting into when deciding where and check out what other restaurants offer! Have fun with it too!
  • Market through social media sites like Facebook or Twitter because these companies have millions of users that regularly log onto them daily looking for new things happening around town.”

Make a Reservation or Ordering System for Your Website

As you know, reservations are an essential part of customer service. To make sure that everyone who visits your restaurant can eat there, it’s vital to have a reservation system.

There are a few different ways that you can set up a reservation system for your website:

  • You can use an online reservation service such as OpenTable or Resy. These services will handle all the back-end work for you, so all you have to do is install the software and get started!
  • Suppose you want more control over how things work on your site. In that case, there are also several open-source options available such as Vibe Restaurant Management System and OpenReservation by Zoho (which also offers other business software).

Use Photography to Promote Your Restaurant

A gorgeous restaurant photograph can give customers the impression that they’re sitting in an expensive, high-end establishment. If you don’t have professional photography equipment and skills, hire someone who does. 

You can find photographers through websites like Etsy or Craigslist and pay them $200-$300 per shoot. Make sure your photographer is willing to use natural light and doesn’t use flash unless necessary (it tends to make food look less appetizing).

Take Advantage of Social Media

Social media is one of the essential tools for any business today. It’s a great way to get your message out there, and it can also be used as an opportunity for customer feedback.

You can post pictures or short videos of your food or even some quick tips on using a product correctly. You can share articles from other relevant sources with your industry too! 

Social media is also a great place to interact with customers and build loyalty, so you must make the most of these platforms.

Accept Customer Reviews and Word-Of-Mouth Feedback

Before you launch an online presence, set up a way for customers to leave reviews and feedback. Once it’s live, make sure that the information is easily accessible from each page of your website. If you’re not proactive about collecting customer feedback, you’ll miss out on an excellent opportunity to improve your business.

When customers take the time (and sometimes effort) to fill out a review form for your business, respond by thanking them for their input and letting them know their feedback will help improve your offerings in the future. 

Don’t take negative reviews personally—they’re often due to issues outside of your control, like slow service or poor quality ingredients. Instead of feeling attacked by criticism, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve!

If enough people mention something they liked or disliked about one particular dish or aspect of dining at one of your restaurants every month, consider adding new items based on this information alone—you don’t need anything more than positive word-of-mouth marketing!


In conclusion, there are many ways to market your restaurant online. You can post photos on Instagram, create a Facebook page, or even start an email newsletter. If you’re still struggling with where to begin and what to do, keep it simple! 

Don’t let marketing overwhelm you. Start with one platform and focus on building that up. Once you’ve mastered one platform (or two), expand into others.