5 Steps to Improving Your Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

It’s essential to have a digital presence these days, but it’s tough to know where to start when setting up your digital marketing campaign. There are hundreds of avenues to success, with each one holding dozens of tricks and tips to do things just right.

It can get pretty confusing. On top of that, not everyone has the extra cash to hire out a professional agency. We’re going to take a look at some of the fundamental digital marketing methods in this article, giving you some insight into how things work and what you can do on your own. 

Hopefully, we can demystify some of the ideas you have about how hard it is to make your way online and send you in the right direction. 

Let’s get started.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Whenever someone asks “what is digital marketing,” any informed answer will touch on the idea of SEO.

Search engine optimization is the process of making your website and its various pages fit to rank in the search results. You can pull a lot of traffic from social media and advertising, but the real heavy hitting takes place when you rank in search results. 

It’s possible to get a good foothold in the results on your own as well. You’ll need to do some digging on the finer points of SEO, but the basic formula is pretty easy to grasp. 

Let’s say that you’re ATX Firefighter Moving company. You’re trying to find individuals who need movers to transport their belongings from home to home. 

Some research into your target audience’s searches online tells you that “movers near me” is a popular keyword. Once you identify what your audience is searching for, you create content in response to their search and optimize the content for that keyword. 

Over time, you find more and more keywords, create more content, and you’ll land in the search rankings for almost anyone searching for movers in your area. 

2. Register Your Business Around the Web

There are a number of business listing websites that people use to find products and services. Additionally, people use these sites to give reviews and rate the experience that they’ve had with different businesses. 

It’s crucial that you’re listed on these sites. One of the most important pieces in the search engine algorithm is how well-like you are by the customers you serve. Reviews are a direct line to that information. 

Incentivize reviews as much as you can, and make sure that your customers are talking about you on business listing sites. The most important site to list on is Google My Business.

This gives Google your business information like address, hours, products, prices, and more. When you end up ranking highly, that information might be presented right in the search results, giving you a much better chance of user engagement. 

3. Fine-Tune User Experience

Once things get underway, you’ll notice that users follow some patterns on your site. Google allows you to look at your website metrics, showing you how people behave on your pages, where they come from, how long they stay, and more. 

Among these metrics are your “bounce rate” and “exit rate.” These numbers tell you how often people find your site and leave immediately. Alternatively, you can see whether or not people are moving around your site and engaging with your content. 

If you see that people are showing up to your site, that means something in your marketing campaign is working. If they show up only to leave right away, that signifies an issue with your user experience. 

Maybe your blog copy is too hard to read, or maybe the layout of your site is too clunky. Whatever the issue may be, you’ll at least know that you have areas to improve when you examine your metrics. 

4. Social Media Presence

Another key element of digital marketing is finding out which social media sites your customers are using. Find out where they’re spending time online and create accounts on those sites. 

Try to engage with your core customers and befriend them on social media. These are the people who will engage with your content and spread it around to their friends. 

You should also push your content through the use of pay-per-click advertisements, which we’ll discuss next.

5. PPC and SEM

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are what you see as sponsored posts or advertisements on your social media feed. You might have noticed that these ads are specific to you and often refer back to something you’ve searched for or had an interest in. 

This is because social media algorithms have gotten very good at ad placement and user targeting. It’s possible for a business to target a very specific group of people and advertise only to them. 

Targeting is a huge advantage to businesses trying to expand their reach on social media. You can push a product you’re selling or just try to expand your brand recognition. 

As the name suggests, you only have to pay when someone engages with your ad. That means you could expose your brand name to thousands of people, only paying for the 200 that click on your post. 

Search engine marketing (SEM) overlaps with SEO in some respects but focuses more on the process of ad placement. Search engines, just like social media platforms, offer the ability to market your content to very specific groups of people. 

The difference with SEM is that you might be able to access a wider group, and the prices can change depending on the nature of your advertisement. 

The bottom line is that the methods of marketing listed above work for a lot of businesses. Each tactic holds the potential for mistakes and mismanagement, but the platforms are straightforward enough for anyone to have success. 

Just taking the time to manage the areas listed above will put you ahead of the game online.

Need More Digital Marketing Help?

Digital marketing and all that goes with it can be tricky to manage a lot of the time. You’re not the only one who’s a little intimidated by the process, though. Fortunately, we’re here to help you along the way. 

Explore our site for all the information you need about making waves online and boosting your bottom line through your digital presence.

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