5 Basic AC Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

AC Maintenance

If your AC unit isn’t maintained or serviced, the likelihood that it won’t be able to take the heat this summer is high.

So how do you prevent an overheating catastrophe in your home? Besides keeping your family cool and hydrated, there are also some important steps you can take to keep your AC running smooth.

You don’t necessarily have to call a specialist to perform AC maintenance. There are some simple maintenance steps you can practice on a regular basis to make sure your air conditioner is in top shape. Keep reading so you can stay cool all summer long.

1. Clean or Change Filters

Out of all the air conditioner maintenance tips, this is probably one of the most important. During high-use seasons, like summertime, you should be cleaning or changing your air filter at least once a month.

The filter can be found behind the air grille, which will likely be on the wall or ceiling in the main area of the home. Over time, it gets clogged with dust, dirt, and other particles, which strain the unit and make it work harder.

Those particles will also start to spread into your home and affect the indoor air quality, which is another reason it’s beneficial to keep the filters clean.

2. Clear off Outside Unit

If there are any shrubs or trees growing over or near the outside part of your air conditioner system, there are probably leaves, twigs, and dirt gathering on the unit.

These pieces and clippings can reduce the efficiency of your AC by decreasing its airflow capacity. To clean it, turn off the unit and gently wash off the leaves with a hose.

For a more thorough cleaning job, you can follow these steps.

3. Confirm Electrical Connections

When your home air conditioner doesn’t seem to be functioning properly, you may want to make sure the electrical wiring is connected properly.

However, you should be very careful when checking this, especially if you don’t have experience with electrical wiring.

4. Check the Thermostat

Maintaining an AC unit is much easier when you can manage it from anywhere. When you install a smart thermostat, you can determine the temperature of your home even when you’re not there.

Plus, you can check and make sure your AC is doing an adequate job by confirming the set temperature with the temperature of your home.

5. Call a Professional

When in doubt, it’s always best to call a professional to help you. They can give you other tips for how to maintain an AC unit. They can also perform the more complicated and risky work to repair your unit.

Use This Checklist for AC Maintenance

There’s no need to worry about whether your AC will keep you and your family cool this summer. These AC maintenance tips can help you save money and extend the life of your unit.

For other helpful tips for any season of the year, check out our website for the highest quality advice.