What Goes in the Process of Animated Video Production?

Animated Video Production
video production services

You can run through short animated video in a blink without realizing the immense thought that goes into their production. Video content is trending as a powerful marketing tool, given that visuals create a lasting impact on a viewer’s psyche. To help you achieve your business goals, you must effectively take advantage of the engaging visual medium.

Quality animated video production is achievable when you outsource this exercise to experienced specialists. Creating a meaningful animated video follows a logical process for which you need to have:

  • Clarity on your target audience
  • A clear message to convey
  • An appealing script that pairs well with the intended graphics
  • A pleasant voice to narrate your business story
  • An appropriate background score and sound effects
  • Characters your viewers can relate to

Buyer’s Journey

The video you create in collaboration with professional experts to sell your product or service offerings takes the buyer through three stages:

  • Awareness of a problem that needs an effective resolution
  • Evaluation of vendors offering similar solutions in a competitive market
  • Deciding on which service provider best meets the buyer’s expectations

Ensuring the video highlights your brand’s key strengths and projects you as the preferred choice compels your prospective clients to ignore your competitors. Through this medium, educate your target audience as they progress in their efforts to find a business that relieves them of their problems.  

Process of Producing Animated Videos

Animated video production is a specialized field and involves the following process:


The script for the video must effectively communicate to your intended audience a clear message. An initial draft may undergo several revisions till the essence of your video is successfully captured in your script.

Since you have to use the video to positively impact a limited timeframe, every word spoken influences its outcome. A well-conceived script converts your thoughts into easy to comprehend words and brings you closer to your target audience.


Graphic designing brings to life the integral elements of your script. Illustrations are sketched to create a visual appeal and back the script finalized along with characters and backgrounds. 

These are chosen to complement the finalized script by building a story that instantly connects with your viewer. Considering such visual components create a perception of your brand in the audience’s mind, the entire focus lies on conveying the right message.

Voiceover and Music

The voice behind narrating your business proposition and the background music are selected such that both conform to your brand image. A serious message demands a formal tone and corporate music while these aspects of the animated video take on a fun dimension where appropriate.

When your brand needs to appeal to a global audience, the choice of language and music takes on a more relatable note.

Seamless Animation

This stage compiles all the above components seamlessly to keep the viewer gainfully engaged. Fine-tuning and utmost precision enhance the overall impact of the animated video.

The animation process is time-consuming as every aspect needs to combine well effortlessly. A visually appealing video is a collaborative effort and demands precise execution. 

Make a powerful impact by approaching a reputed agency equipped to make your vision a reality.

Read Also : Top Tools and Software for Quality Animated Explainer Video Production