Kylie Strickland made headlines after she got arrested for flashing in front of minors during a live stream. On the 28th of June 2022, a video was posted on social media. It showed Kylie with two minors at a swimming pool. In fact, this video went viral instantly and the authorities, arrested her the following day, on the basis of complaints.Â
For those, who do not know, Kylie Strickland is a TikTok star. She hails from LaGrange, Georgia. In fact, she is a popular face on social media. She has also garnered a good fanbase for her on TikTok. If you wish to know more about this TikTok star and the recent incident, then this article is the perfect stop for you. Kee reading this article to know more about  Kylie Strickland and her arrest.
Who is Kylie Strickland?
We already know that Kylie Strickland is a TikTok star. She hails from LaGrange, Georgia. Initially, she started her social media career through lip-sync videos and comedy sketches. These videos gained her much fame and popularity. In fact, on her TikTok profile, she has around 260k followers and 7 million likes.Â
However, sadly, her account has been removed after the flashing video came into view. Apart from TikTok, she is also active on Instagram. Her IG profile has 62.3k followers and is a private account. She also has an Onlyfans account.Â
Kylie Strickland TikTok
The career of Kylie Strickland started with TikTok. She started by posting comedy sketches and lip-sync videos. In fact, these videos gained her the popularity that she enjoys. Her TikTok profile had around 260k followers and 7 million likes. However, after she flashed to two minors, her account has been removed by the authorities.
Kylie Strickland OnlyfansÂ
Apart from being highly active on TikTok, Kylie has also an Onlyfans page. There she posts adult content. You need to have a subscription in order to view the content there.
Kylie Strickland Arrested
On the 28th of June 2022, a video was posted on social media. It showed Kylie with two minors at a swimming pool. In fact, this video went viral instantly and the authorities, arrested her the following day, on the basis of complaints. Fox News conifers this claim Someone informed the office of the County Sheriff about this alleged video. Then the Pike County Sheriff’s Office started to investigate the matter.
On the 29th of June, the Pike County Sheriff’s Office clarified on Facebook that they were made aware of the inappropriate content by Kylie Strickland. On the basis of this information, they started the investigation. As per the findings of the investigation, they arrested Kylie with charges of computer or electronic pornography and child exploitation against her. The Sheriff’s office also stated that the decisions were taken after consulting with the district attorney’s office. Therefore, the charges against Kylie are appropriate by law and the arrest is also based on prominent evidence.Â
Concluding Lines
As per recent updates, Kylie is in jail. Therefore, it remains to be seen, what happens to her ultimately. The charges against her are very serious and can see her behind the bars for a long period of time. In addition, her social media career has also suffered a huge blow. Therefore, even if she manages to escape harsh punishment, it would be tough for her to find back her glory on social media.
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