Hayden Panettiere Daughter Kaya Evdokia Klitschko: Painful Experience Of Losing Her Daughters Custody

Hayden Panettiere Daughter

Hayden Panettiere is returning to Hollywood after a break. The actress is famous for her performance in many American movies. Before the surprise come-back she has a personal life issue which she is trying to fix. Recently, Hayden talks on ‘Red Table Interview’ about her time off from Hollywood. Also, she opens up about Kayak, her 7-year-old daughter and how painful it was to hand over the daughter’s custody to her ex-husband. 

The actress had to take this step as she was struggling with substance abuse for many years. In this condition, she could not take care of her only daughter. Hayden Panettiere daughter is now with her father Wladimir Klitschko who is also an expert boxer. Now let us see all the struggles Hayden went through due to her addiction and how upsetting it is for her to stay away from daughter. 

Kaya Evdokia Klitschko

The first encounter with drugs and prolonged substance abuse 

Hayden Panettiere talks about her life experiences with Jada Pinkett Smith and Kelly Osborne in the interview. She tells the truth about how she developed the habit of using drugs. At the age of 16, Hayden starts substance abuse. When working on the film ‘Heroes’ one of the crew members offers her something. They assured that it will keep her energy up throughout film shooting. 

Without knowing what it is Hayden starts using the substance. They gave it to her saying ‘here is your happy pill’. At that time the actress did not know that it was drugs that they gave her. Further, she did not think twice before using it. This is the time when she starts using it regularly. Even after knowing that it was drugs, she did stop using it. Now Let us see how drugs affect Hayden Panettiere daughter’s life. 

Marriage, the birth of daughter Kaya and drug addiction 

After having a successful career in Hollywood, Hayden Panettiere settled down with her husband Wladimir Klitschko. The couple dated each other in 2010 and tie the knot in 2013. Within a year, the couple was blessed with a daughter and they named her Kaya. Use of drugs starts to affect Hayden’s life after giving birth to her daughter. She experiences postpartum depression and she used alcohol to handle her downtime. In her defense, Hayden says that she did what every person does when they are stressed out. 

Kaya Evdokia Klitschko

However, reaching for the bottle while coping with depression made everything worse. When her daughter Kaya was 4 years old she went to rehab. After returning from rehab Hayden gets the chance to work in Nashville. To handle the pressure of working on this film she again starts using drugs. It was too late for her to realize that she had hit the rock bottom. In 2018, Hayden Panettiere was in a vulnerable position. The actress could not get out of bed or control her emotions due to substance abuse. It is the time when she finally seeks help to get out of this nightmare. 

Losing the daughter’s custody and living far away from her 

When Hayden Panettiere drug use became uncontrollable her husband thought to end the relationship. For Hayden, it seemed like a good decision to split. However, it was heartbreaking for her to lose her daughter’s custody to her ex-husband. The actress shares how she felt at that time in the Red Table interview. She says it is the hardest thing in life to stay away from her daughter.

 Also, to manage drug addiction she had to focus on herself but she did all this to get back in a good state for her daughter. Another shocking detail for Hayden was that her daughter is now living in Ukraine. When handing over Kaya’s custody to her Ex-husband she never thought this would happen. Staying away from daughter was hard for her. Further, Hayden is concerned about the war in Ukraine and how it will affect her daughter’s protection. 

Hayden Panettiere reaching out to her daughter 

It was shocking for Hayden to know that her daughter lives in Ukraine now. Without custody, she did not have any say in where her daughter should live. Hayden’s ex-husband’s brother is a major in Kyiv. Due to this, the professional boxer went to Ukraine to participate in the war. Also, Hayden does not want to put her ex in a negative light but she does not agree with his decision to endanger her daughter’s life. 

Plus, the actress desires full custody of her daughter. However, there is nothing she can do now to get custody. Hayden also says about Kaya missing her mom. When growing up daughters need the love and care of their mothers. It was shocking for Hayden to hear from an Ex’s family that Kaya is asking other women in her neighborhood to be her mother. After hearing this Hayden says that her heart just broke into pieces. 

Further, Kaya lives in Ukraine with her father and she is not returning to America any time soon. However, Hayden Paennterie, the mother of Kaya, visits her regularly. The actress sums up the interview by saying that she has never seen a stronger child-like Kaya. Her amazing child has a good sense of humor and she loves her mother Hayden so much. 

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