Things To Consider When Choosing A Conveyancing Solicitor

Choosing A Conveyancing Solicitor

Conveyancing refers to the legal process of transferring the ownership of a property, or a piece of land, from one party to another. Picking the right conveyancing solicitor can be like picking a needle out of the haystack. Do you rely on recommendations from family or friends or pave your own way and select one yourself? Do you go for the cheapest fees? Or do you find the one with the best rating online? Below we explore what your considerations should be when choosing a conveyancing solicitor.

How to pick a solicitor?

This is one of the most important choices you’ll make when choosing a conveyancing solicitor, who to use. It can be tempting to try and find the cheapest options possible to save as much money as you can, but it’s not worth the stress. The cheaper options will usually mean slower timeframes and cheaper, less renown businesses doing the searches which can lead to less reliable searches being completed. This can not only have an impact on the value of your home, but your home could be potentially dangerous to live in and increase the chance of personal injury occurring which would put even more unnecessary stress on the situation.

You should look at the solicitors who have a good reputation around conveyancing. This will not only allow buying/selling of the home to be completed in a reasonable time frame, but also increases the chance of reliable businesses being used to complete the searches, reducing the stress that moving house can cause.


Financial considerations can be the best place to start on your search. Finances are usually stretched when purchasing a property, so setting a budget for your conveyancing solicitor is important. Once you know what your maximum spend is, you can begin to narrow down the options.

Fee structure

Do check on the structure of solicitor fees too. Ideally, you’ll want to negotiate a fixed fee at the start. Hourly rates can easily spiral out of control, and you might find your solicitor going way over budget. At the same time, some solicitors might request a percentage of the property price – make sure that you’re aware of an estimate of what this cost might be, and budget accordingly. 


Find real reviews of a prospective solicitor. Do previous clients recommend the solicitor, or have they had bad experiences? This can be incredibly revealing: if someone in a similar situation to you has had a beneficial, trustworthy experience with a solicitor you’ll be more likely to pick the right one.

Check their credentials

Ideally you want an experienced professional who’s going to secure the right result for you; not someone who’s out of their depth. Don’t be afraid to ask a solicitor about their credentials and experience. Weigh up your potential options and select the solicitor most suitable for your case.


The conveyancing process can be complex and filled with plenty of jargon. The path towards purchasing a property is stressful enough, without having to chase up your solicitor. Ideally, your solicitor will be able to explain everything to you with clarity. Search for a solicitor who’s informative, attentive and isn’t afraid to help you through every step of the way.

Finding a conveyancing solicitor can feel overwhelming, but by following the above advice, you should be able to find one that suits you.