Everything You Need to Know About Robo Advisors

Robo Advisors

Have you ever wished for a robot to help you accomplish simple tasks like cleaning the house or walking your pooch? If yes, you’re likely to understand the appeal of a custom robo advisor.

From the rudimentary investing platforms to now online investment management services, robo advisors have greatly evolved to become a tool of preference for sophisticated investors. With a custom robo advisor, you will have all the resources and tools you need to execute trades as well as build and rebalance portfolios. You will also have an option to automate your investment.

If you are looking for a relatively hands-off way to invest for retirement and other financial goals in Singapore, this post is for you. Read on to find everything you need to know about robo advisors.

What is a robo advisor?

A robo advisor is a digital platform that uses mathematical algorithms and advanced software to automate investing. In essence, they are a type of brokerage account that relies on minimal human intervention to provide investors and users with the financial advice they need to build and manage their investment portfolios.

What is more, robo advisors invest your money in pre-baked portfolios with specially chosen, low-fee exchange-traded funds. As a result, they charge comparatively low fees relative to human advisors.

Many investors in Singapore consider custom robo advisors because they are capable of providing personalized investment advice and solutions.

Why would you choose robo advisors?

Precisely, custom robo advisors are digital investment apps that allow you to input your investment goals and risk appetite, then they use fancy algorithms to evaluate that information, and recommend an investment portfolio. The appeal of these platforms is their ability to deliver personalized investment advice and solutions.

If you are also considering an algorithm-driven financial planning service in Singapore, Bambu BUILD might be your favorite. It is a white label custom robo advisor solution designed with a multitude of features to suit your exact requirements and specifications for your clients. As one of Singapore’s best custom robo advisors, Bambu BUILD delivers high-quality and more consistent investment advice to investors.

Whether you invest a small sum of money or you risk much of your earnings, a custom robo advisor allows you to achieve unrivaled diversification while making it easy to scale up operations.

Can a custom robo advisor beat the market?

If you’ve made up your mind to automate your investment, there is one thing you need to know: Custom robo advisors are neither safe nor risky. So while the idea of investing using automated, algorithm-driven platforms may sound genius, they are not a sure win.

Custom robo advisors offer you a variety of risk and timeline preferences, but your investments will still be susceptible to market fluctuations. In a nutshell, investing with robo advisors doesn’t guarantee to beat the market.


Custom robo advisors provide investors with a safe and effective way to invest in stocks. Although you may want to compare robo advisors in Singapore before making a choice, Bambu BUILD is a great custom robo advisor designed with all features you need to build and manage investment portfolios.