The Telltale and Often Overlooked Signs That Say Your Roof Is Leaking

Roof Is Leaking

How can you tell if your roof is leaking? Everyone knows to check the ceiling for drips when it rains. But do you know any more signs of a leaky roof?

If not, that’s okay. We’ll teach you the warning signs to look for in the following guide.

Below, we describe in detail the most overlooked signs of a roof leak and where to look for them. If you do have a leak in your roof, we’ve no doubt that you’ll find it by following these steps.

To make sure your roof is leak-free, check for yourself with this list.

  1. Holes Or Moisture in Attic

Most of us would notice if sunlight or rainwater came through the ceiling. But it’s even more common that such signs of a leaking roof happen first in the attic. Since many of us never even see our attic, these signs very often get overlooked.

For that reason, it’s worth checking your attic right now before the leaks are bad enough to get through the ceiling. With the lights off during a sunny day, look for sunlight coming through the roof deck in the attic.

Next, turn the lights on and search for moisture. If you have no appliances running in your attic and no liquid stored up there, there should be no moisture at all. The only reason you’ll see moisture up there is if it got in from the outside.

  1. Water Stains on the Ceiling

Even if the ceiling doesn’t drip when it rains, you could still have a leak. Often the moisture from a leaky roof soaks into the ceiling for years before there’s finally enough damage for it to drip through. If this is the case in your home, you’ll see a circular stain that’s grey, brown, and/or yellowish in color.

You’d most likely notice this if it developed after you moved in. But many people move in after the stain is already there and don’t think anything of it. If you’re of the latter group, get your roof checked by a professional.

  1. Spots on the Walls

In the same way that leaked water can soak into the ceiling, it can soak into the walls as well. On walls, this appears as streaks the same color as the ceiling stain described above.

  1. Mold, Mildew, or Moss

Furthermore, such excess moisture as described above can encourage the growth of mold, mildew, and moss. This often gets overlooked because there are multiple other factors that can cause this. Even living in a moist area like a coastal city can make mold growth commonplace.

Still, if you see growth or discoloration on your walls or ceiling, have your roof checked for leaks. 

  1. Roof Debris

Lastly, roof debris is a sign that your roof may be damaged enough to allow leaks. This usually isn’t noticeable unless you’re specifically looking for it.

On the ground around your building, it may just look like dirt or bark. But look closely to see if the debris around your building matches your roof shingles. If so, you may have roof damage.

The best place to check for this is your gutters. If your gutters are full of broken roof shingles, call a roofing professional immediately.

What to Do If Your Roof Is Leaking

If your roof is leaking, do not hesitate to get it fixed. Moisture damage from leaks can get worse very quickly.

Check your house right now for the warning signs listed above. If you notice any, call for a professional roof inspection right away.

We have plenty of great tips where this came from. Check out our Home Improvement blog now for more.