How to spot the use of RIFD Technology in our daily life

RIFD Technology

You might not be knowing this, but we use RIFD technology daily in our lives. RIFD technology is Radio Frequency Identification. Today we are going to give you some examples of how we use RIFD in our daily lives. Maybe you already know this, but those who don’t will be surprised at knowing they are using RIFD technology without even knowing it.

  • Payments for means of transportation via public transport and tolls: Earlier, you had to stop and pay your tolls to the officer, which was time-consuming. Now, with Electronic Tolls Collection (ETC) system that collects the money electronically, these delays cease to exist. Now you just pass by, and the payment is made automatically. Of course, you have to enroll in the program. In case you are not, well next time you won’t be allowed to pass by. Even if you are not driving and using public transport, RIFD technology is used in the transport pay pass.
  • Asset Management: Perhaps the most modern and most used place for RIFD technology is assets tracking. RIFD technology helps in reducing problems that arise due to manual tracking. Not only is the security level increased, but information accuracy levels also improve making goods details more constant and instant.
  • Logistics: With pallets and tags, you instantly know which goods you have. The quantity and the capacity of your storehouse the moment it enters your storehouse.
  • Inventories and warehouses: Another useful objective of implementing RIFD is to reduce logistic costs and work. You also get an instant and accurate inventory of the goods lime quality, size, country, and other vital information.
  • Identification of Animals: Tagging animals with RIFD is very useful for farmers as it lets them keep track of their livestock and important information like vet visits.
  • Surgeries: Hospitals also use RIFD technology in many ways. It’s used for tracking surgical tools and patients. Its also used to track the staff and visitors. RIFD technology plays an important role in the healthcare industry also. It helps in reducing medical errors like loss of surgery tools or forgetting surgical sponges within patients. It also helps in reducing economic costs and increases healthcare buildings security.
  • Access control: Sports facilities, buildings, tourism: Such facilities use RIFD technology to identify who is where and when they enter or leave the building or any room in the building. It also helps in gaining information about the individuals of the organization or the event, be it a musical or sports event. It also helps in allowing or denying entry to individuals in particular places like staff rooms.
  • Passports: Passports come with an embedded chip that we know as a biometric passport or better known as a digital or ePassport. This chip stores biometric information and identity of the passport holder. The information that’s available in the RIFD chips depends on the country’s ePassport policy. Usually, data that is stored are the name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality,  and sometimes a digital photo of the passport holder.