Some Guilty Pleasures Examples That We Don’t Seem To Give Up

Guilty Pleasures Examples

Having a guilty pleasure is not an uncommon thing at all. In fact, it can come in many shapes and sizes for us. For instance, you may want to spend a lot of time on a holiday watching your favorite TV show. There are also times when you wish to just lay down after a heavy meal.

Whatever the guilty pleasure may be, if you recognize its existence, then it can surely help you know that it doesn’t become a habit. So, in this article, we shall take about guilty pleasures. If you want to know about them, then go through this article and get everything that you wish to know.

An Overview On Guilty Pleasures Examples

First of all, we need to know what is guilty pleasure in the first place. So, guilty pleasures are actually a set of activities, products, or habits that one participates in because it provides one with joy.

In addition, it also makes them feel a bit of shame. However, one shouldn’t be guilty about having guilty pleasures because millions of people around the world feel the exact same feeling. We should also mention that guilty pleasures are beneficial, especially when you have a stressful time when you just need to get out of reality. On the other hand, it can act as a mind refresher. In any case, having guilty pleasure is not a bad thing at all.

Here Are Some Of The Guilty Pleasures That Are Worth Noting

Well, you may not admit that you would sleep until the afternoon to get an amazing day but there are thousands of others who feel the same way as you do. There’s no need to feel embarrassed about it because it’s part of guilty pleasures. So, if you are someone who wants to know about guilty pleasures, then let’s just take a look at some of the most common ones.

1. Procrastination

This is perhaps one of the most common forms of guilty pleasure out there. While it’s true that it feels better to get the work done before the due date, there are people who may want to procrastinate and leave the bulk of work at the last hour. As per the sources, this is one of the most common guilty pleasures out there and a lot of people have it.

2. Binge Watching Shows

Are you someone who loves to watch TV shows? While it’s important to watch in moderation, and do some other work, sometimes, we just cannot wait to hit that ‘next episode’ button. It’s always exciting to know ‘what comes next’, especially if an episode ends in a cliffhanger. Binge-watching reality shows or tv shows is, therefore, one of the most common guilty pleasures out there. It’s a guilty pleasure that tons of people have.

3. Sleeping Late

Imagine that you have an important meeting to attend tomorrow and you are awake, late at night. While it’s true that there’s anxiety that comes with sleeping almost the whole day, we do find a bit of pleasure. Sleeping for a long time or going to sleep late, all of these are common guilty pleasures. Whether it’s the weekends, sick days, or holidays, even after getting good sleep, we do feel that ‘I wish I didn’t sleep this much, or else I could’ve done two or three works’.

4. Playing Games

Next, we have another common guilty pleasure known as playing games. Especially if you are an adult with lots of responsibilities, whenever you touch that controller, pending tasks can haunt you in the back of your mind. However, it’s also true that you ‘feel good’ while playing games. Needless to say, it’s a dilemma that lots of people feel. Therefore, we can say that playing games are one of the most common forms of guilty pleasures.

5. Scrolling Through Social Media

Who doesn’t like to scroll through their social media, check some memes, pictures, and all, right? However, did you know that it’s a guilty pleasure? Users can spend hours scrolling through Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms and feel good about it. However, at the same time, they would feel guilty for wasting those precious times doing something, perhaps, ‘unproductive’.


At the end of the day, there are numerous guilty pleasures out there. So, if you have a guilty pleasure, then how do you feel about it? Well, it doesn’t matter because you are in the same boat as millions of others in this world. Therefore, it’s completely alright to have one in life, because that’s what life is all about.

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