Scalp Scrubs Use Salts and Herbs For Oily Hair and To Open Hair Follicles

Scalp Scrubs Use Salts and Herbs For Oily Hair and To Open Hair Follicles

For kickass-looking, bouncy hair, you need a healthy scalp. However, for a healthy, nourished scalp, you need to shower it with the required TLC. These days, our exposure to pollutions and stress affects our inner health considerably. Add a wide variety of harsh chemical-laden hair-styling products and treatments and poor hygiene to it – you get a scalp that screams for some indulgence, nourishment, and care. An ordinary shampoo wash may not be adequate to remove all those build-ups, clogged pores, and gunk your scalp suffers. As the shelves overflow with hair care products, you should choose the right product that suits your scalp. If you have an oily scalp, you may consider using a scalp scrub for oily hair

If you are battling with a greasy scalp and damp, limp hair, you need hair care products suitable for oily scalps. What does your present haircare situation look like? Maybe you wash your hair with shampoos that do not suit your scalp? Or using those cheap, OTC shampoos containing paraben, sulfate, and other harsh chemicals are damaging your scalp by stripping its natural oil? The good news is, you can now shower your hair and scalp with the TLC they need with new-age hair care products. Products such as scalp scrubs, masks can detoxify, exfoliate, cleanse, and nourish your scalp thoroughly. 

Have you ever used a scalp scrub? For oily hair, scalp scrubs are ideal for scalp exfoliation that addresses common problems of oily scalps. 

How Does a Scalp Scrub Work?

Oily scalps come with over-active sebaceous glands that produce excessive oil. The excess oil on the scalp attracts dirt and germs making hair sticky and prone to bacterial infection. Scalp scrubs help to rebalance the pH levels. The gentle massage promotes blood circulation. High-quality scalp scrubs contain natural herbs and minerals that nourish the damaged scalp and hair effectively.

A scalp scrub effortlessly removes

  • Dirt, product build up, impurities, gritty scrubs from the scalp making it squeaky clean
  • Purifies hair strands by opening the hair follicles
  • A thorough scalp cleansing ensures your scalp stays happy and healthy with bouncy and shiny strands.

Exfoliating your scalp with a high-quality scalp scrub will do the following 

  • Moisturize your hair strands and provide nourishment
  • Make your head smell heavenly.
  • Boost hair growth by promoting scalp health

Note: If you have any scalp disorder such as psoriasis and eczema and have flaky, itchy patches all over your scalp, it might not be safe to use a scalp scrub. Scrubbing may irritate and damage the affected scalp. It is best to consult a dermatologist who can suggest which products you should be using.

Tips Boosting Scalp Health

Scalp scrubs can help you tackle greasy scalp issues. However, using only scrubbers will not help you achieve bouncy, shiny hair. You need to follow a holistic hair care routine for long-term benefits.

Consider following these if you want to boost scalp and hair health naturally:

Use Mild or Natural Hair Care Products: Using low-quality hair care products may damage your strands and scalps beyond redemption. Frequent application of hair dyes, hair straighteners, styling gels can make your strands dry, lifeless, and brittle. Chemical residues left on the scalp can cause long-term scalp disorders, even cancer. Industry experts recommend using products that are gentle on your scalp and hair. Shampoos containing aloe vera, tea tree oil, Dead Sea salts, avocado, and the likes can do wonders for your scalp. 

Avoid Heat As Much As Possible: Often, we can’t resist heat-styling our hair with the latest trend. Styling hair with blow-dryers, hot curlers, straightening irons damage hair strands. If you must use these, consider limiting frequencies. Nourish your heat-damaged hair with deep conditioning treatments or the Dead Sea shampoo and conditioners that restore hair health effectively. 

Increase Your Protein Intake: A protein-rich diet with eggs, fish, lean meat, and legumes may promote hair growth and make your scalp healthy. 

Manage Your Stress: Stress is often considered a big enemy of hair health. Prolonged stress can directly affect scalp health. So managing your stress with meditation or yoga can make your scalp happy too.

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