The Role of Sleep Hygiene in Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep Hygiene

Getting a night of good regular sleep is essential for our health, but sleep hygiene helps us get quality and restful sleep every night. Like regular sleep, good sleep hygiene keeps us physically and mentally healthy and reduces the risk of serious health problems associated with poor sleep.

What Is Sleep Hygiene?

Photo by Sora Shimazaki

Generally, sleep hygiene refers to our set of habits, behaviours, and rituals to help us sleep. The type of food and beverage you consume, evening routine, sleep schedule, and other factors can affect your ability to get a restful night of sleep.

If you have trouble getting sleep every night, you might have bad sleep habits. Here are several signs of poor sleep hygiene:

  • Difficulty getting and staying asleep

  • Mood changes

  • Irritability

  • Daytime sleepiness

  • Poor concentration

  • Tiredness

  • Lack of motivation

  • Headaches or migraine

  • Memory problems

A night of restful sleep allows our body and mind to replenish cells, restore energy, and rebuild tissues. Poor sleep hygiene prevents us from accomplishing our basic physical and mental functions. Studies showed that fewer hours of sleep can increase our risk of heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, obesity, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Practicing good sleep hygiene ensures that our biological clock is running normally and regulate various body processes, known as the circadian rhythm, that occurred over a 24-hour period. When the body’s circadian rhythm is out of sync, it prevents you from falling asleep faster or staying asleep throughout the night, resulting in insomnia and other sleep difficulty issues.

Tips on How to Sleep Better

Photo by cottonbro

If you find it difficult to sleep, there are several steps you can take to help you improve sleep quality. This is what good sleep hygiene is all about—building a set of good bedtime habits to achieve a good night’s sleep and maintain a regular sleep-wake routine.

  • Stick to a Consistent Sleep Schedule 

Regardless of whether it is a weekend or a weekday, following a regular sleep schedule helps reinforce that sleep cycle of our body, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day and reducing daytime sleepiness.

  • Create a Sleep-Friendly Bedroom 

Your bedroom should be a place that induces sleep. While everyone has our unique style, the temperature, lighting, and the quality of your mattress are important factors to consider. While the best room temperature for sleep is between 60 to 67℉, feel free to adjust to what feels comfortable to you. On the other hand, a darker bedroom can help you fall asleep faster. Sleeping on an old, saggy mattress can lead to back pain and sleep distraction. If your mattress is more than 5 years and is preventing you from getting quality sleep, toss it away and buy a high-quality mattress for sale in Hamilton.

  • Cultivate Good Daily Habits

In addition to good bedtime habits, following healthy daytime routines can also support our circadian rhythm and reduce sleep disturbances. Healthy daytime habits include:

  • Getting regular sunlight exposure

  • Engaging in at 20 to 30 minutes of exercise

  • Not smoking cigarettes, especially close to bedtime

  • Reducing alcohol consumption

  • Limiting caffeinated drinks after lunchtime

  • Eating dinner on time and resisting late-night snacks

  • Shut Off Electronic Devices an Hour Before Bedtime

Technology and sleep do not go well together. Electronic devices emit blue light, which messes with the production of melatonin in your body. Exposure to blue light can affect your sleep/wake cycle as it keeps your brain alert, making it harder to fall asleep. Do not just put away your phone, shut it off to prevent distractions, such as message notifications and buzzing that can wake you up momentarily.

  • Get Chiropractic Adjustment

Persistent back pain is one of the culprits for sleep disturbances. A visit to an Oshawa chiropractor can help restore your back health by aligning your spine back to its normal position. Chiropractic adjustment help relieve the pressure on your nerves, allowing your body to relax and sleep better throughout the night.