Real Estate & Social Media Tools: What to know?

real estate reputation management

Digitalisation has played a game-changing role in the present day world. No matter which industry you are in, you can find a great influence on social media. Talking about real estate, this sector can also make a lot out of social media.

If you have the right tools like social listening in real estate tools, you can make sure that you are ahead of your competition. Since the audience is active on social media, you have to be double active too.  Here remember that a little knowledge could be a dangerous thing. As you get more social media savvy, take some time to learn how to put the well-known ears to the ground to make sure your strategies and techniques are working and gain more customer insights.

What do you mean by social media listening?

There are two main components to social media listening: social media monitoring and that of social media listening. 

Social media monitoring

An excellent similarity showing the difference between the two components stems from MarketingProofs’ Actually social media monitoring means keeping a track of what is getting said about you, your brand, your company, or a particular topic. It is most conveniently done by auditing mentions. You can even glean competitive information, i.e. do monitor your competitors. It can help you enhance your strategy to keep up within a proficient manner or beat theirs.

Social media monitoring gets carried out like any search engine query – by making use of hashtags, keywords, and phrases homeowners could type in case they are looking for a real estate agent or to vendor buy a house: things related to your district or community and much more.   Keep in mind that it is absolutely vital from a public relations and marketing standpoint to reply to comments you see in a timely way.

Thank people for positive comments and also address negative comments directly, perfectly with a solution or offer to help. Moreover, if you think it would be too much work to take care of all the comments and things happening then you must avail social media tools to get things done.

Social media listening

It is this analytical stage social media listening is critical to a successful social media strategy. The chief objectives are to:

It is important to know what people are saying about your brand, industry and niche on social media. This will help you formulate your brand and it’s offering in such a way that people will like. According to leading social media companies Dubai, social listening can give brands a competitive edge. It can also help them understand their target audiences better and create content, which is able to increase their engagement with the brand.

  • Get more in tune with your target audience in local neighbourhoods – understand their interests and ambitions and produce better marketing materials that talk to them directly.
  • Nurture your reputation online – identify and involve with the local real estate influencers. Similarly, discern prospective clients’ questions in order to generate content that will provide suggestions and address those issues. 
  • Spot the prospective clients (who could be thinking of moving or selling) before they research real estate agents in an active manner. Encourage relationships with them before your competitors grab them.


So, tools like real estate reputation management and others can help you soar in your real estate industry. You can beguile a larger audience and become better with every step you take.