Investing is a great way to keep the value of your funds. Keeping the funds in a bank account will result in a slow loss of value due to inflation. So the question stands. Where and how to invest? Usually, investing in stocks is the most popular option, but it does not mean that it is the only option. One of the ways you can invest your funds is through fine art. This might come as a surprise, but art investing has become more approachable in the last couple of years. Now let us go over what you need to know before you start investing in art. We will answer as much as possible regarding how to invest in fine art and is it profitable. So without any more delay, let’s begin.
Investing In Fine Art
With so many ways to invest in fine art, it can be a tricky subject. There is a lot of information needed before beginning anything. The main goal here is to be profitable in the end. Buying a piece of art and hoping that it will increase in value so you can sell it for a profit is a lot harder than it seems. First things first, you need to choose an artist. This can be quite difficult. The problem is that discovering an artist whose art pieces will increase in value drastically in a short period is next to impossible. The sad reality is that the works of artists that have passed away are worth much more. Obtaining a work from the most famous artists would cost you several million dollars, if not more.
Let’s say you managed to acquire a fine piece of art and that it increased in value. The problem with the art market is the liquidity. The market has very low liquidity, meaning you will have to wait a long time to sell your art for a profit. Additionally, there are high fees you will have to pay to the auction house or to a broker.
Keep in mind that once you purchase an art piece, it will take up physical space in your home. Unlike stocks that are intangible, art pieces require a lot of care and attention. There is so much work tied to them. You need to be mindful of the temperature in your home, humidity, direct sunlight, and many more. If not kept away from the elements, the art piece will lose its value over time. If you do not want to deal with all of this, there are companies that will keep your art pieces in perfect condition.
Other Options For Investing
It is possible to invest in art even if you do not want to physically own it. This can be done through art funds. Here you can invest enough funds to own only a part of the art piece. For example, the art fund will buy the art piece on behalf of every investor involved. The art fund creates a so-called holding company. This company takes responsibility for storing and caring for the art piece. The main goal is still to promote the art piece with the hope of selling it for a higher amount. This way, everyone can profit.
This method of investing has brought the art closer to more people. It made art more accessible. With shares, the whole market for art became more liquid. This way, it is much easier to sell a stock of an art piece rather than selling the whole art piece. For example, there is a company called MasterWorks. Their job is to acquire art pieces and keep them in pristine condition while selling parts of them as stocks. This maintenance does cost investors a fee they have to pay. However, investors do not get to physically possess the art piece.
Should You Invest In Art?
Investing in fine art is as complicated as you might think. So to help you reach a decision, here is some additional information. As we mentioned before, it is a good sign if you appreciate art and know what you are dealing with. Furthermore, it is important that you can provide the necessary maintenance for the art piece, so it remains pristine. If you understand that you might not be able to make a quick profit, this means you know what you are doing. Additionally, you should be ready to hold the art piece for a long period of time. If you do your research and understand everything we mentioned, you are ready to invest in fine art.
Investing in art is not suited for everyone. There will always be a question of what is the best fine art to invest in, and if we are being honest, there is no real answer to it. The most important thing is that you do your own research and understand the risks and necessary measures you need to take.