Neil Down 2019 Crucial SEO Ranking Factors Which Every SEO Company USA Follow

SEO Company USA

Wondering why your website is not getting the top rank on search engine ranking result? Nevertheless, you are giving your 100% input- by keeping a close watch on the ranking factors, in fact, hire the most dedicated SEO company USA who pays greater attention to ‘targeted’ keywords to make it rank high on every parameter- still, the result is not standing to your expectation. 

Well, the major reason for this drawback is that you are still implementing outdated SEO techniques and not able to understand the ranking aspects which Google introduced/changed every year. 

SEO company USA

Every year, it seems Google stays always ready with its heart throbbing list of new SEO ranking signals. The question is- how will you rank # 1 in the SERP when the Google itself throws virtual bombs upon your unrivalled SEO strategies? With so many competing websites out there, all thriving to be spot on top ranking, you are likely wondering what it is you need to focus on in 2019 in order to gain top spots.

Without further ado, let’s discuss the 2019 SEO trends which Search Engine Optimization Services India can excel and drive a storm of potential traffic:

  •   Develop a secure and HTTPS-oriented website

This is where the whole ranking game actually starts because “security is and always be a top priority in Google perspective”. It goes without saying that these days priority is highly given to the site designed and created under the framework of HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) URL. Google considers this link to determine whether or not your website is secure.

  •   Quality Content Still Beats Quantity

The quality of your website as well as blog/ guest post- content is still the king and remains the same. Google always emphasizes to give its visitors the highest quality, relevant and updated content for whatever they happen to be searching for. Make sure you regularly serve new, engaging and value-based content to your audience:

  •   Answer all the queries of visitors
  •   Give real solutions that could help them
  •   Solve targeted problems
  •   In-depth content to get on Google’s radar
  •   Provide an additional resource of getting genuine information

Doing so, you can expect more visitors and quality backlinks, but you have to be unique and creative with your thought first.

  •   Excel over Schema Code

The reach of SEO is going local in a huge way, so if you are looking for a way to expand the visibility of your local small business, then this is an important ranking factor you definitely need to overcome. Schema markup code enables search engines to get a better understanding of specific texts such as addresses, phone numbers, reviews and more. For example, it is important to provide information to Google where your business is actually located so that it can inform the same to a massive audience in the meantime.

Particularly for local businesses, implementing the excellence of Seo Services in USA for schema code can prove to be a ranking change factor.

  •   Page loading speed including mobile

Page crawling speed has been cited as one of the strongest SEO ranking factors for 2019. Google appreciates when its user receives a warm welcoming experience to the site they visited. And to the most, it is the fast-loading web pages which do a miracle in impressing the audiences (web visitors). Therefore, Google is very particular with this ranking and confirms that if the site doesn’t load fast on mobile devices or any screen, then it could be penalized.

After going through the aforementioned points, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of Google’s ranking factors and still aren’t sure where to focus your SEO efforts on in 2019, Eclicks Digital LLC always there to guide you the best.