Hugh Hefner Of Playboy: Explore Some Facts About The Man

Hugh Hefner

Recently, A&E’s Secrets of Playboy has thrown some light on Hugh Hefner. According to the sources, it’s worth mentioning that Hugh was an American Magazine publisher. To specify, he was the founder and editor in chief of the Playboy magazine. It’s a publication magazine revealing photos and articles that provoked obscene images. 

So, as we said earlier, A&E’s secrets of playboy have revealed a few interesting details about the person. If you want to know more about Hugh Hefner, then you are at the right place. Here we will share some riveting facts about the founder of Playboy magazine. So, now’s the time to go through this article and get all facts. 

What To Expect From The Secrets Of Playboy Revelation?

Once, Hugh Hefner himself said, “it’s good to be selfish, but not so self-centered that you never listen to other people”. However, if we take a peek into his life, then we will see that he was a man who didn’t keep his own words. In other words, A&E’s new docuseries Secrets of Playboy revealed that he rarely listened to people at all. Moreover, if those people said ‘No’, then he didn’t listen to them at all. 

Hugh Hefner has left this world around five years ago and he left a huge fortune and more than one child behind. So, now’s the question is, who inherited all those fortunes? Well, the docuseries answered a lot of things. So, now’s the time to follow this article if you want to know what happened to his fortune as well as other details about his life. 

The Inheritor Of His Fortune

Well, if you have followed the life of Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine, then you will know about this confusion. Just because of the fact that he was the founder of the erotic magazine, he led a kingsize life. In fact, he tied knots of marriage thrice in his life span. Moreover, he was still with his third wife Crystal Hefner when he left this world in 2017, September. 

On this note, it’s worth noting that he left behind four children from his first two marriages. In addition, he also left a huge chunk of money and a not-so-great legacy behind. In the year 2013, he tied knots with Crystal and bought her a 5 million house in Hollywood hills. According to the sources, the house looked like a posh prison. 

Now, it’s important to note about the inheritor of all the money that he made in his lifetime. Actually, the duo Hugh and Crystal lived in the Playboy Mansion. Moreover, Hugh also wanted to make sure that someone was there to take care of Crystal after his demise. Furthermore, there were also a few rumors that said Crystal signed on a prenup agreement where she wouldn’t have gotten any money after the demise of Hugh. 

However, just like any other rumor, it’s not true. It’s because other reports suggest that Hugh Hefner left his third wife 5 million USD and the house. Well, let’s come to the house because that’s interesting as well. In the year 2019, Crystal sold the Playboy house for a whopping 5 million USD. 

What Happened To The Playboy Mansion?

So, just as we were discussing, Crystal sold the home that Hugh left her for a breathtaking five million US Dollars. On the other hand, Hugh Hefner’s Mansion was sold to his neighbor Daren Metropoulos for 100 million in August. 

Moreover, it’s also worth noting that during the time of his death, Hugh held around 35% stakes in the Playboy brand. In fact, he owned the magazine, and also had 36 million worth of bonds and stocks with him. Furthermore, he also had a 6 million in a joint account with an unknown person. 

After his death, the legal authorities divided his estate between his four children. They sold their shares for around 35 million and they split it with Crystal as well. 

Secrets Of Playboy Reveals His Abusive Behaviour

Recently we have a 10 part A&E docuseries Secrets of Playboy that takes the audience into the life of Hugh Hefner. However, what awaits the audience is the twisted behavior of the person. No amount of fortune could bury his abusive behavior. 

It was the former director of Playmate promotions Miki Garcia, the ex-girlfriend and Sondra Theodore Playmate, and Bunny Mother PJ Maten who primarily narrated the whole docuseries. So, they introduced Hugh Hefner as not a man but a monster. 

In fact, in the trailer of the series, the former executive assistant of Hugh, Lisa Loving Barret disclosed some riveting facts. So, she unveiled quaaludes a sedative as leg spreader that Hugh used in the mansion. In fact, it was one of the necessary evils at the mansion as well. 

A lot of people including Lisa, Hugh had prescriptions in their names. They had them so that they could get the drug at any time. In addition, it’s also true that they kept a calendar so that they could remember whose turn it was to refill. Of course, it was a nightmare for them. 

The series had even brutal revelations for the audience. Some of them involved shocking allegations against Hugh Hefner. For example, Hefner forced women to have sex with him and his friends. In fact, he even held brutal orgies and bestiality. 

The abusive torture of Hugh Hefner involved archival soundbites and a lot more. All in all, we can say that the man had a dual image. To the world, he wanted everyone to convince him that he was ‘empowering’ women. However, on a darker side, he just took their power rendering them unable to do anything but to submit to his will.