How to Know If Your Kids Need Glasses

Kids Need Glasses

When you have young children or kids of any age, it can be hard to keep on top of every facet of their health. You’re trying to feed them a balanced diet, encourage physical activity and exercise, and build up their immune systems. It’s difficult to juggle it all. 

Eye health is an important part of physical health, but it’s easy to neglect it if you don’t wear glasses or contacts yourself. If you’re wondering if your child may need glasses, here are some tell-tale signs and tips to help you know for sure.

They Often Have a Headache

Headaches can be instigated by a variety of reasons, but they’re common among both children and adults when the eyes aren’t working at full capacity. If your child is always straining to see, their eyes will be working harder than they should be, and this can cause headaches.

If your child frequently complains of a headache, talk to a doctor, as they may want to rule out any underlying health problems. They’ll likely recommend an eye check as the first port of call.

You Notice Them Squinting

Squinting can help people focus their eyes if they find it difficult to see, so if you notice your children frequently squinting when they’re reading or watching TV, this may be a sign that they need glasses.

They Sit Too Close

When your children are reading a book or watching television, you may notice that they’re sitting too close to the screen or holding the book very close to their face. This could be because they cannot see clearly from further away, so it may well be a sign that they need glasses.

They Find it Hard to Concentrate

Trouble concentrating on schoolwork or similar activities could be a sign of a behavioral condition, such as ADHD, or a learning difficulty. However, it could be a symptom of poor eyesight. If your child cannot see well, they may prefer not to engage in schoolwork or other activities, or they may find it difficult to do so. A pair of glasses may be the solution.

What Should You Do?

If your child displays any of these symptoms and suspects that they may be struggling to see, the first thing to do is take them for an eye test. 

Taking your child to an optometrist may feel nerve-wracking if you haven’t done it before, but there is nothing to worry about. Go to an optometrist experienced in treating children, and read up on what to expect from your child’s eye exam.

Speak to an eye doctor and follow any advice they give you about keeping your children’s eyes healthy. It’s a good idea to take children for eye tests regularly, as vision conditions could develop at any time, and they can progress quickly while children are growing and changing rapidly.

If you suspect that your child may need glasses, you don’t need to worry. Optometrists are well trained and can provide easy solutions to most eye-related problems, so the only thing you need to do is follow their advice and keep your eye out for any changes in your child’s vision.