Everything You Need in a Factory Maintenance Checklist

Factory Maintenance
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As a factory owner, you need your team and equipment to operate at full tilt every day to meet demand. Unfortunately, the average manufacturing plant deals with more than 800 hours of downtime over the course of the year. That’s 800 hours that you’re not producing products.

Though there are many reasons for that downtime, one of the most common causes is lack of maintenance leading to breakdowns.

Staying on top of factory maintenance is the best way to reduce your downtime and keep output high every day. This means you need to build a clear maintenance checklist for your company.

Here are a few key things to include on that checklist so you’ll know that your operation can run without issue.

Outline Routine Building Maintenance

No matter what type of factory you operate, you need your building to stay in good condition throughout the year. If it suffers or starts to show signs of wear and tear, it’s likely that your equipment and your employees will struggle to be as productive as they should be.

Do what you can to keep your building in good shape at all times. Schedule roof inspections twice a year to prevent leaks and damage. Get your HVAC system, plumbing, and all major appliances inspected by your trusted contractor at least once each quarter.

You’ll want to put your management team on the task to keep things running smoothly. Once you do, you’ll have a building that’s free of major repairs throughout the year.

Communicate Daily Expectations

The key to streamlining maintenance for factories is to stay on top of daily cleaning and upkeep. If your team can take care of minor issues as soon as they notice them, you’ll have less to deal with during your routine inspections.

Create a checklist for each department and encourage them to run through it each day before they clock out. This will break up your factory maintenance into manageable tasks and reduces the risk of severe issues disrupting your daily operations.

The sooner your team can repair minor problems, the less severe they’re likely to become.

Make sure each team has the factory maintenance tools they need to complete those daily tasks with ease. For example, if your equipment relies on oil and lubricants to operate smoothly, make sure each department has an oil spillage kit on hand to make cleanup easier. If nuts and bolts come loose during the day, supply your crew with the right tools to keep them tight.

Build Your Factory Maintenance Strategy With Confidence

Staying on top of factory maintenance can make a huge difference in your company’s repair budget. Keep these tips in mind when you create your strategy. By implementing them in your company, you’ll make staying on top of maintenance a breeze.

Keep in mind that you may need to revisit your maintenance checklists throughout the year. As your company grows and acquires new equipment, your maintenance needs will change.

Looking for more tips and tricks to help you keep your factory running well? Check out our latest posts.

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