A Few Ways to Attract Truck Drivers to Your Business

Truck Drivers
Credit: aleksandarlittlewolf Via Freepik

While some companies see a higher rate of employee turnaround than others, the time will come for any growing business to take on more personnel. When you require new drivers at your commercial trucking company, you don’t want to have to settle with the first choices you get. 

In regards to hiring new employees, the trucking industry works no differently than any other. To ensure that you get your choice of the best employees, you need to attract a large number of applicants; to attract a large pool of applicants, you need to demonstrate that you’re offering desirable employment options. 

Dealing with Truck Drivers Shortages

As in the case of the United Kingdom, there currently seems to be a shortage of qualified truck drivers in Canada. These shortages are caused by a few factors: 

  • Many Drivers Reaching Retirement
  • COVID-19
  • Low Compensation 

Given that there were a reported 21,000 trucking jobs that sat empty in 2021, you’re not exactly at an advantage when it comes to hiring. If you’re going to give your company an edge up on competitors, you’re going to have to create it yourself. 

Provide Your Employees with Quality Vehicles

If your fleet of trucks is getting old, outdated or unsightly, you’re going to have a hard time interesting the best drivers to man your vehicles. Before you even send out a job posting, assess your fleet to ensure that you aren’t settling with poor trucks. 

If you need to upgrade with new equipment, you can find premium quality trucks for sale at a dealership that you trust. Building a relationship with a valuable truck dealer is just as crucial to your success as finding the right employees. 

Offer Competitive Salary

While you can’t offer salaries that will put your company out of business, you also can’t afford to go without drivers. Offering a higher rate of pay and better compensation options may tip the balance when it comes to creating an advantage for your company that ensures you aren’t operating below where you should be. 

If you simply do not have the funds to offer higher salaries, you might be able to compensate by offering other incentives like a signing bonus or funding for training. 

Welcoming a Diverse Hiring Pool

In 2021, no industry should discriminate against any group of people, and no industry with a labour shortage can afford to. One of the key areas where the trucking industry has traditionally lacked diversity has been that men are hired more often than women. If a company is going to survive a labour shortage, one way to compensate is to create a more balanced hiring pool.

Maintaining growth in any business is never an easy task. If you recognize that you’re facing a labour shortage, you’ll need to address it. Start by talking to a qualified commercial Truck Drivers about upgrading your fleet to more reliable and attractive options for your drivers.