7 Yoga Practices That Will Help You Flow Into 2022

Yoga Practices
Photo by Carl Barcelo on Unsplash

Every new year brings in a fresh start. It’s a moment to reflect on and release whatever happened in the past while also looking forward to the future. 

Of course, the precise day of the new year differs per culture. It is January 1st for the Gregorian calendar (which is widely utilized throughout most of the world); it is the variable Lunar New Year for many Asian cultures, which commences with the very first new moon of the lunar calendar (February 1, 2022) and ends 15 days later with the first full moon; and it is the spring equinox for others. Some folks make a note of all three.

The peculiar placement of the stars and planets throughout this time of transition, according to astrology, sets the tone for the coming year. Every sign of the zodiac connects with the current moment in time uniquely, as does your specific birth chart. 

Make a little personal rite as the new year approaches to set and seal your intentions for the next year. This is a chance to consider where you’ve been, what went well or might have gone much better, and how you may use the knowledge and experience you’ve learned to better coordinate yourself and expand your progress in the coming year. If you want to learn more about how you can set your intentions this year with yoga practice, read on.

Establish Your New Year’s Intentions with the Help of This Yoga Practice

Mudra Anjali (Prayer Hands)

Why: Because “mudra” signifies “seal,” and once you do Anjali Mudra, you’re sealing (or containerizing) your goal. This mudra metaphorically unites your will with the acts required to bring your objective to reality.

How to: Make a fist with your palms. Allow yourself as much time as you need to establish your objective

Utkatasana (Ardha Utkatasana) is a yoga pose (Half Chair)

Why: This technique improves the parts of your body that correspond to the zodiac transits that will also be prominent in 2022. Pisces and Aquarius, in particular, have a significant impact, as they respectively govern the feet and ankles. This pose strengthens the Capricorn-ruled knees while leaning into these areas.

How to: From a standing posture, bend your knees into Chair Pose, lift your heels, and land on your toes. Then, with your torso leaning forward, retain your vertebrae straight and your core engaged. Extend your arms back while maintaining them aligned with your torso. Remain calm, breathe deeply, and maintain your composure.

Virabhadrasana II is a variation of Virabhadrasana I. (Warrior II)

Why: Warrior II is great for stabilizing you in the current moment, with one arm steady facing the future and the other firmly recalling the past. This also acts as a reminder that you could still keep your composure in the face of adversity and that you do have reserves of energy that you can tap from at any time.

How to: Stand with your left leg front and bent, facing the mat’s long side. Make a little inward turn with your right toes. Move your head to stare out over your left fingertips and extend your arms straight out from your shoulders. Stay put and take a deep breath. Rep on the opposite side.

Natarajasana is a yoga pose (Pose of the Lord of the Dance)

Why: Because this position is a dance in and of itself. It recognizes that things are continuously moving and evolving, and it expects you to do so as well. Perform this stance to remind yourself to engage with daily existence as it is right now, and to keep doing so as you work toward your greatest aligned goals.

How to: Bend your right knee and lift your left foot’s heel toward your glutes while standing on your left foot. Your right hand, palm facing opposite from you, should be holding your foot or right ankle. Open your shoulders and quadriceps as you push the right foot up and back toward the wall next to you. Maintain a straightforward and steady stare (Drishti) on a specific point. In Abhaya Mudra, extend your left arm into the air (palm facing forward). Stabilize for a few breaths before switching sides.

Pose of Bowing

Why: It is a pose that supports the release of any reluctance connecting with your objective. While you chase your highest self, this position allows you to let go of the part of you that is terrified about your triumph.

How to: Kneel as both your toes curl beneath the floor. Bend forward and extend your arms forward (as if you were doing an active Toddler’s Posture). Raise your arms on your fingertips and have your arms moving to maintain your hands tense. Stay put and take a deep breath.

Asana Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose) 

Why: Rabbits are known as lucky symbols, particularly at a time of new beginnings. Rather, more importantly, an energetic key for getting greater riches into your existence is to open the back of your chakra system. Inviting serendipity, synchronicities, and receptivity into your objective is the goal of this stance.

How to: Kneel with your knees together on the ground, bend forward, and put your head near to your knees. Stretch back and grip your heels with your hands as you rise to the top of your head. Then elevate your hips, around your spine, and take a deep inhale. 

Konasana Supta Baddha (Reclining Bound-Angle Pose)

Why: Because this position opens your heart, you’ll be more able to obtain the good that comes your way as soon as you establish your goal. 

How to: Sit with your feet together and your knees apart. Position pillows or blocks beneath your knees if desired to relax your thighs. Lean back against a bolster or a pair of pillows. Sit with your feet together and your knees apart. Position pillows or blocks beneath your knees if desired to relax your thighs. Lean back against a bolster or a pair of pillows. 

Must Read : Find the Best Yoga Programs at Glo Yoga Online Platform