You Can’t Ignore These Tips For On Page SEO

SEO Tips

If you want to increase visitors to your website then you will have to read our post.
Previously there was very little websites on the Internet, but now everybody  uses the internet, due to this you will be seen a lot of websites on the internet. In all those websites, Search Engine only shows the website on first page, whose posts are Search Engine Friendly, therefore SEO has to be done to show your website at the top or to show in earlier 2 pages. SEO play 90% role for increasing the rank of the website. Only Creating a website does not matter that the visitors will automatically visit your website, for that you have to do hard work on SEO on your website.

Once the blog or website is created, the work of SEO begins when we need to be ready to become a blog or a website, we need do it, it is not possible to take traffic automatically. Is not it very easy, SEO is a process by which we can get traffic to our blog or website, because when the blog or website does not rank in any search engine, we do not get traffic on our website.  If you want to know About On-Page SEO, In this post we will give you complete information about this in simple language, so let’s know about On Page SEO.

SEO mainly are of two types –

  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO

On-Page SEO
On-Page SEO means that if someone searches the topic of your article in Google. If  your post starts showing in Google. So you understand that you have posted that post by Google On-Page SEO method. There is a lot of caution in writing when writing an article, such as keeping the title as attractive, doing keyword placement, improving content quality, using proper headings etc. All this is done to show your website blog on First Page or to increase the ranking of Blog on Google Search. To do On-Page SEO, we have to work on the SEO step by step, so that it will show on first rank.

Learn Here “How to do On-Page SEO”

Now we have read that how to do On-Page SEO but now we will know about the way do to On-Page SEO. Here are the few tips for that –

  1. By using keywords in title.
  2. Using the keyword in the first paragraph of the post.
  3. By using keyword in permalink.
  4. Using the keyword in alt tag of image on your post.
  5. Using the keyword in H2 and H3 heading.
  6. For On-Page SEO our post should be long like as minimum 700 words in a post.
  7. And also for On-Page SEO our post description should be match with the post title.

These were the few basic and simple tips for On-Page SEO. These tips play the main role in the On-Page SEO. You can rank your website through On-Page SEO, but if your post’s title is not attractive or search friendly then you can never rank post. Try to keep Title under 65 characters. Because no longer does keyword search do so long and also please try to place keyword in the beginning of the post title. You will get the benefit of On-Page SEO by writing High-Quality Content. This does not mean that you can write any low-quality content and apply on-page SEO method. Then your post can never be show in Google anytime. To learn how to do on-page SEO, you have to write your High-Quality Content before that, A high quality content occurs only when the information given in it is 100% accurate, and you have given some proof too. Only visitor visit your website.

Role of Search Description

Before you publish a post, it is very important to write Search Description because it is the SEO factor. The more you use keyword in your search description, then 70% Chances of post rank increase. Google checks your post only by visiting your website in Google.

Role of Image Optimization In On-Page SEO

Image Optimization is also very important, it is also an SEO factor. Most users come to download images, so if you do not even have to do image optimization. So I’m going to tell for Image Optimization. First, you need to change the property of images while uploading the image. In Properties you can use the Targeted keyword. It would be if a user searches your targeted keyword. If you click on the images with user images and will click on your images directly to your website. Image Optimization is the advantage of this.
So guys, this was the some information about the On-Page SEO. I think this will be very helpful for you.