One of the key things to focus on to improve your automotive business is your leads – but not just any leads. Your valuable leads.
This aspect of your marketing is one of the surest routes toward increased revenue and marketing performance.
Whilst there may be many ways to identify and utilise these leads, call tracking software UK is a top solution.
As such, here are some steps you can take to utilise this solution:
View entire customer journeys
Before you can begin spotting your most valuable leads, you need an accurate way to display all your leads – and call tracking is perfect for this.
You’ll be able to attribute every customer call to the exact touchpoints they visited before, during, and after the call. Using this information, you can easily build detailed journey maps for each customer.
With all this data available, you’ll quickly identify how every customer is interacting with your business and what channels, campaigns, and activities they’re funnelling through.
This is the ideal foundation to begin searching for your valuable leads.
Establish the areas with high conversions
With the software’s insight and reports, one way you can spot your valuable leads is with your call conversions.
In most industries, but with car dealerships especially, calling can be a strong indicator of purchase intent.
Therefore, you can view the number of conversions from each of your campaigns to see the areas generating high numbers.
These customer activities can then be established as somewhere to find your most valuable leads, so you can direct more of your resources toward developing these areas for increased results.
Look at your campaigns in detail
There are various other useful analytics you can receive with your software to help you analyse your campaigns in detail and spot valuable leads.
For one, you can spot the true value of a campaign by looking at the visitor-to-call ratio. This will show you the number of calls compared to the number of website visits produced from a campaign.Â
This can help you spot valuable leads since you may initially see low website visits and disregard a campaign, but after seeing a high number of calls generated for every visitor, this may indicate hidden value.
You can also see things like the average time it takes a customer to convert from a campaign. The faster this time, the more likely you are to find highly interested customers looking to buy.
Analyse customer phone conversations
Getting customers to call is crucial, but it’s just as important that you thoroughly analyse the call conversations themselves.
Speech analytics is a call tracking feature that lets you transcribe every call conversation and pick up any keywords mentioned.
This can help you spot valuable leads through certain phrases or enquiries from customers – such as those wanting to know delivery times, prices, the car models available, etc.
Then, you can distinguish the real valuable prospects who are most likely to purchase from your dealership.
By having the right approach to spotting these valuable leads, you can take your car dealership to new heights with data-driven marketing strategies.
With a tailored approach to each campaign, you can begin growing your conversions from interested buyers and your overall revenue.
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